As the rigged #inquisition in #Bangladesh continues, there has - TopicsExpress


As the rigged #inquisition in #Bangladesh continues, there has been chaos on the streets of the country as #JamaateIslami has called for strikes and clashes have ensued with riot police, killing scores of people, which has sparked great concern across the world except #Pakistan, the country that has the greatest stake in the matter. However, to deflect the condemnation she has been receiving, #SheikhHasinaWajid, standing on the floor of the Bangladeshi parliament, claimed that the bloodied dead were actually wearing red color on themselves and lying down on the streets playing dead in order to defame her and her noble crusading #kangaroocourt! This is how low she is willing to stoop to defend her #barbarity, and this says a lot about the #malicious nature of those who were at the forefront of dismembering Pakistan in 1971 and are now hell-bent on continuing their #racist political charade for the sake of their own peronal power. Hasina is after all the daughter of #MujiburRahman himself. The fact that she was elected by the Bangladeshi people with an 85% landslide majority in 2008 precisely because she had promised to open up this shoddy inquisition called the #ICT, the fact that while the rigged trials went on the Bangladeshi people took to the streets raucously shouting for the blood of the accused and militantly defaming all critics of this sham instead of demanding fair trials with real, admissible evidence so that their national myths (indeed, the very founding spirit of independent Bangladesh) could be vindicated, is all the proof one needs that the entire Bangladeshi nation is a racist and blood-thirsty pack of #barbaric brutes devoid of basic decency and conscience as #humanbeings and the most despicable #savages walking the earth. Their never-ending demonization against Pakistan and constant demands for a Pakistani apology are smokescreens to soothe their own conscience and keep themselves distracted from their own hideous national character and their own deplorable deeds. That is all. progressbangladesh/hefazat-activists-were-sleeping-in-the-streets-wearing-red-color-prime-minister-hasina/ See the original Bengali-language report here: newsevent24/2013/06/19/%E0%A6%B9%E0%A7%87%E0%A6%AB%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%9C%E0%A6%A4-%E0%A6%95%E0%A6%B0%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%AE%E0%A7%80%E0%A6%B0%E0%A6%BE-%E0%A6%B2%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B2-%E0%A6%B0%E0%A6%99-%E0%A6%AE%E0%A7%87%E0%A6%96/
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 09:58:32 +0000

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