As the sun sets upon the still waters and the light gives way to - TopicsExpress


As the sun sets upon the still waters and the light gives way to darkness it seems all of nature ushers in the night and says good buy to the day. One only has to listen to the sounds that silence can not hold. Was it so long ago that this same sun had risen giving light to all that would see now would once again set in its western sky. Who can hold the sun, even for a moment or plead her stay, that only for a moment more, extend the day. No mortal man nor beast of field can but one moment change. For it is not given to mankind to set the boundaries of stars nor the depths of the oceans, no this was not our calling. Nor was it to understand the makings of life so complex unto its self. We search for answers but only find more questions. With all our knowledge we have brought ourselves to the brink of destruction. What sustains us, we sell for greed . We can heal, yet not for free. We go hungry , yet the planet can sustain us all. The things that last are not set by choice but by laws unbreakable, set with wisdom and power. To nothing in nature it is given to choose, but for man it is his curse. We say we seek peace, yet we choose war. We want to love, but we choose hatred . We want truth, yet we choose to lie. One needs to stand alone beneath the setting sun and answer one question. What am I that nature should even be mindful of me? Her answer will come to you. You are nothing to me, but I am everything to you. You choose.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 01:45:41 +0000

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