As the ultimatum given but the the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) - TopicsExpress


As the ultimatum given but the the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) to the Federal Government and the striking public university lecturers has expired, NUT will hold a National Executive Council (NEC) meeting on Thursday, October 24, to decide their next steps. The NUT President,Michael Alogba-Olukoya,made this known in a telephone interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos today. It will be recalled, that NUT had September 26 given a two-week ultimatum to the FG and ASUU to resolve their differences and end the strike, or face nationwide strike by NUT members. NUT then extended the ultimatum following appeals from well-meaning Nigerians, Alogba-Olukoya said. He, however, reminded that the extension would end on Tuesday. In order not to cry more than the bereaved, we gave them till October. 22. The NEC members will meet on Thursday to decide our next line of action, he said. It will be recalled, that on Saturday, President Goodluck Jonathan appealedto ASUU members to return to the classrooms in the interest of their students. However, ASUU, has rejectedthe request saying that the only condition that would make university teachers return to the classrooms is if the FG honoured the 2009 agreement it entered into with them. ASUU has been on an indefinite strikesince July 1, 2013.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:14:55 +0000

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