As the various court dates as well as our march for Human Rights - TopicsExpress


As the various court dates as well as our march for Human Rights Day are fast approaching, one of our guidance councellors at school told us to make pros and cons lists of both parents and to use the new lists (we said that we already did so) to compare and use as a guide for various tasks handed to us.... some of the stuff we noted down.... Dad - always on the run Mom - always here Dad - always shouting screaming swearing demanding Mom - shouting sometimes to be heard Dad - always threatening Mom - always begging Dad - never does or gives anything unless begged an then still not Mom - finding a way even if she has to beg from him and then be in trouble Dad - can barely congratulate us on achievements Mom - Over the top sometimes Dad - never ever at school prize givings etc Mom - always there even if she walks, asks for lifts Dad - has a fit and threatens each time we ask for silence to study Mom - sits quietly with us reading a book or through our books Dad - never there for us when we are ill Mom - sleeps by us when we are ill or sits up when Jason is ill Dad - when we want to go out for drives etc always NO!!!!!!*@# Mom - when she had transport, we were always out (if there was fuel) Dad - when he has run off, he is living it up, partying, sleeping around, eating up a glutton storm, etc MOM - when he has run off, still with us, level-headed, nothing to prove, no partying up storms, starves so we can eat, no sleeping around and having ego trips. The list goes on and on. please note that we used the basic simple stuff in our post to illustrate the difference, there is plenty more on our lists. These are some of the differences and more which we will bring to the courts attention.........
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 09:35:16 +0000

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