As the wind blows, the teachings of the Earth fly by you. As the - TopicsExpress


As the wind blows, the teachings of the Earth fly by you. As the birds chirp your mother speaks to you with gentle words of love. As the waves of water splash against your feet on the sandy shore you sense a kiss of bliss. Like the fires of the sun, your heart holds love with holy abundance, it it just a matter of recalling your true self. The wind reminds you constantly, yet you never listen. The birds talk to you all day long, yet you think their just noisy animals, beautiful... but to you somewhat meaningless. The waters remind your spirit of the waves of consciousness from which you came... but you just want to sleep. You have been sleeping for a while now, whats your age? The father works in mysterious ways... yet all you can sense is the fact that their is a plan. Faith isnt blind friend, but neither are you. You just constantly over look the important details. Being successful in society wont help you get close to Christ alkitronise, in fact it only seperates you more. When you learn to read between the words of my words, or if you can ever find the care to do so, you will know undoubtedly that you have been walking the widest path. I mean think about it... everyone does this. 1 John 2:15-16: "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not the father but of the world." Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." Do not be one with the ways of this world, lest ye never meet oneness with The Father. You can have the illusion, but you will not have the truth. You will just think you do. Nature is the key, then remember love, then learn the ways of the spirit just by keeping intact with both nature and love, society literally drives your divine nature away. I bid you welcome to my mind of knowledge if you could only care to discern, 13,000 universe perspectives, 13,000 dimensions of knowledge. I am crazy, THAT IS the truth... but for some peculiar reason Jesus was thought of as the same by the olden day society men who crucified him. I will go through hell to help you, literally if that is what it takes. But I will not support your addiction to the illusions, you can rebuke me if you would like. Society is fake, and so is everything in it. There is only one way to speak the truth, that is only to speak the truth. I just did. Your choice if you want to think about it. Have fun pretending. But my Father is real. Sorry that you cant see him yet you wish you could, he sent you an angel in human form yesterday. It reminds me of that joke where the man is drowning asking for gods help and god sends a boat, he refuses the boat and says god is coming for me. Next thing you know he is face to face with god asking him why he wouldnt save him. God replies, "Silly, I sent you a boat to rescue you from the water and you just ignored it! But thats ok, you tried, your safe now." Start paying attention, life is slapping you in the face constantly and your ignoring it out of fear because you choose not to try and understand. I promise, its not rocket science. Its God. I welcome thee. With an acorn consciousness you can only understand an acorn sized fragment of life. Theres one problem with this, life is infinite. Are you even there? Are you... real? Yes. Now stop being scared. I love you. So does my father, you think you believe in him but you cant understand the first small aspect of him. I am called the spark of the new age by my guardian angel... perhaps I have a torch to light the way? "What if"
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 17:20:03 +0000

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