As the world burns primarily due to the arrogance and - TopicsExpress


As the world burns primarily due to the arrogance and non-involvement of the current U.S. President who continues his epic golf endeavors while American soldiers are sent into battle, Christians, Kurds and Yezidis are being slaughtered and sold into slavery by the tens of thousands, anti-semitism is rearing its head throughout Europe because the President refuses to take a stand on it, the United Nations continues to be not just effete but a supporter of terrorism, Israel, Americas closest ally in the Middle East is in a fight for its very survival, the economy is in the longest period of stagnation in our history, Black young male unemployment keeps growing, racial unrest and looting is taking place in Missouri unlike anything weve seen in decades, American influence is almost nonexistent around the world, Washington has no direction or leadership and has essentially been shut down by the intransigence of his fellow party member Harry Reid (who loses no opportunity to blame the Republicans for doing nothing while he deep sixes hundreds of bills and budgets proposed by the Republican House, refusing to allow them even to be debated on the Senate floor), I wonder what all of those liberals who claimed that Romney couldnt relate to the common man (I guess because he didnt play golf and didnt take months long vacations and didnt spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on taxpayers money for his vacations or millions of dollars of taxpayers funds for his wifes junkets around the world and didnt try to force feed food on our public school students they refuse to eat?) who claimed that Romney was too wealthy to be President (anyone check the Obama bank account lately?), think about their choice now. Does anyone really believe that Romney would not have been a far better choice? Does anyone really believe that the economy wouldnt be in better shape under Romney? Does anyone really believe that our foreign policy wouldnt be more definitive and predictable and considered if Romney were President? Does anyone really believe that our nation would not be as focused on race relations (since Eric Holder doesnt miss a day accusing white people of racism, explaining that the Black man cant get a break in this country -- ignoring the fact that the President, the Attorney General, the National Security Advisor, more than half the Presidents staff, most large city mayors, much of the popular music industry artists, an overwhelming percentage of basketball players and football players, and many baseball players -- all of whom make far more money per year than just about any white person reading this post, are all Black) if Mitt Romney were President? Does anyone really believe that if Romney were President the first thing he said about Ferguson wouldnt have been -- Lets find out all the facts and then, take action based on the facts. Looting is not protesting. Violence is not protesting. They are not the same. They are crimes. Nothing more. The world would have been quite different today if we had a President rather than a golf pro wannabe in the White House. Maybe this is G-ds way of telling us that next time, we should consider who the candidate is, what his qualifications are to lead the nation, not just the color of his skin, his gender, his political party, or any other factor that is the most absurd basis for voting for a Presidential candidate.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:58:28 +0000

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