As the world embarks its journey into another new year , a year - TopicsExpress


As the world embarks its journey into another new year , a year full of new and higher expectations , where people would want to out do what they have done and undo what they shouldnt have done .... I certainly am no fortune teller , certainly not Nostradamus , but surely foresee it to be an important year for the Indian economy , and the Indian Youth which I am a part of . With expectations flying way higher than any super sonic jet plane would do :- A) A strong finance bill B) Stronger and more participation by retail investors C) Low crime rate D) no bureaucratic hurdles E) not only proper formulation but proper implementations of plans and policies Can see India emerge as a global leader in various avenues by the end of 2K15 , with a reduction in the fiscal deficit and perhaps a better current account , if thats not too far fetched However ,While millions of us pray for the RBI governor to cut rates , for the economy to boom even more , invest in various avenues , diversify portfolios ....make another rocket that can reach Jupiter this time .... A part of me asks me would this help in anyway to keep the women in our country safe ? I am certainly not of the kinds who brag about Women Empowerment when a tough question is asked , but when I a common Indian youth tread those holy roads trying to do some good deeds I somehow stumble upon people doing or thinking unholy stuff about passerby women , which co-incidentally would be either a relative of yours or mine. How do you get rid of such vulgar and demonic thinking ? One answer could be development and education But till the time development gets a kick start , what are we supposed to do !? Perhaps its 1) stricter laws 2) check on political patronage 3)quick court judgements That can help. There is another question that has hit me constantly all of this year Working towards the alleviation of the minority or the so called low class ( which as a matter of fact is a term I hate to use ) ,is one thing But this constant surge of increasing reservation quotas just to score political brownies is absolutely a Big No No ! Rather than fixing quotas based on Caste , wouldnt it be better to do it based on the financial capabilities and incapabilities of those who should enjoy such privileges . Because I suddenly feel the so called GENERAL category is soon going to be the next minority ! It is absolutely unfair for a person to be deprived of studying in the countrys best institution just because he/she is from the general category and sadly they dont have any seats for them , as everything is reserved ! Hah ! Wow ! I mean , is this the YOUNG and brilliant India that we want ? Instead of playing the caste card time and again there is a dire need to help those who actually need it , hence a financial parameter for reservations would do a lot more good than the present system . The brain drain otherwise is nothing but obvious otherwise ... So instead of going abroad and asking NRIs to come back or invest in India , wouldnt it be better to just change things around so that talent can be best utilised at home . Besides this , no one single policy or one single minister can change our lives for good ... Its time for us to introspect ....Its the fire in us that can take not only ourselves but also the country a long way .... Keeping quite by Pablo Neruda inspires me .... K Venugopal Menon uncle ...
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:10:11 +0000

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