As there are different classifications of the zodiacal signs, so - TopicsExpress


As there are different classifications of the zodiacal signs, so there are also different methods of classifying people. One of the oldest methods, and one that has distinct advantages as viewing them in relation to the zodiacal triplicities, is to divide them into four general groups. These groups have to do with the predominant temperament, classified as sanguine, lymphatic, bilious, and nervous. The Fiery Triplicity embraces the signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. People born under this triplicity—meaning primarily the Sun being in this triplicity, as explained in Chapter 2, Course 10-1, Delineating the Horoscope—tend to the sanguine temperament. They possess self-reliance, enthusiasm, zeal, courage, daring, the ability to command others, and a love of activity. In the sense of being able to arouse in themselves and communicate to others initiative and enthusiasm, their characteristic quality is INSPIRATION. The Watery Triplicity embraces the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. People born under this triplicity tend to the lymphatic temperament. Their lives are largely centered in the home and affections. They are sympathetic, timid, dreamy, submissive, given to domestic life, receptive, yielding, mediumistic, and greatly influenced by their surroundings. In the sense that they are chiefly actuated by their feelings, rather than by carefully reasoned lines of conduct, their characteristic quality is EMOTION. The Earthy Triplicity embraces the signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. People born under this triplicity tend to the bilious temperament. They are not given to bursts of enthusiasm, but express their ideas concretely, having the ability to apply themselves patiently to the affairs of this life and to turn all they contact to somematerial use. On the farm, associated with some industry, or managing some great corporation, they are toilers. In the sense of relying upon reason and the reports of the senses, and in interesting themselves in the affairs of earth that have value here and now, their characteristic quality is PRACTICALITY. The Airy Triplicity embraces the signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. People born under this triplicity tend to the nervous temperament. They are mentally alert, volatile, changeable, and socially inclined, desiring to live largely upon the mental plane. They are interested in education, literature, and art, are fond of conversation, and find pleasure in the exchange of ideas. In the sense of desiring refinement and intellectual culture, their characteristic quality is ASPIRATION. We have now applied our magical quaternary formula in its broadest sense. Under this formula things are not only perceived to express our broad qualities, but viewed from a different perspective are seen to be a trinity. Then, turning them to be viewed still closer we perceive them also to be a duality; and finally, from another point of inspection, to be a unity. It will readily be seen, however, that these views offer no contradiction to the magical quaternary, for we perceive the three to be already contained in the four. The duad likewise appears in the quaternary. It is the principle of polarity. And, of course, unity expresses in the various separate parts of the four. Altogether, then, this magical formula, when its different perspectives are added together, completes the cycle and starts another; for 4-3-2-1 added together are 10.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 14:56:52 +0000

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