As there is a lot of debate over the interpretations of some texts - TopicsExpress


As there is a lot of debate over the interpretations of some texts in the Book of Colossians, I have decided to copy directly the introduction to the Book of Colossians and write it up here. This is taken straight from the NIV Bible online. This brief introduction tries to give the reader a brief background context of the Book so as to avoid making out-of-context interpretations. The Colossian Heresy Paul never explicitly describes the false teaching he opposes in the Colossian letter. The nature of the heresy must be inferred from statements he made in opposition to the false teachers. An analysis of his refutation suggests that the heresy was diverse in nature. Some of the elements of its teachings were: Ceremonialism. It held to strict rules about the kinds of permissible food and drink, religious festivals (2:16-17) and circumcision (2:11; 3:11). Asceticism. Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch! (2:21; cf. 2:23). Angel worship. See 2:18. Depreciation of Christ. This is implied in Pauls emphasis on the supremacy of Christ (1:15-20; 2:2-3,9). Secret knowledge. The Gnostics boasted of this (see 2:18 and Pauls emphasis in 2:2-3 on Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom). Reliance on human wisdom and tradition. See 2:4,8. These elements seem to fall into two categories, Jewish and Gnostic. It is likely, therefore, that the Colossian heresy was a mixture of an extreme form of Judaism and an early stage of Gnosticism (see Introduction to 1 John: Gnosticism; see also note on 2:23). Purpose and Theme Pauls purpose is to refute the Colossian heresy. To accomplish this goal, he exalts Christ as the very image of God (1:15), the Creator (1:16), the pre-existent sustainer of all things (1:17), the head of the church (1:18), the first to be resurrected (1:18), the fullness of deity in bodily form (1:19; 2:9) and the reconciler (1:20-22). Thus Christ is completely adequate. We have been given fullness in Christ (2:10). On the other hand, the Colossian heresy was altogether inadequate. It was a hollow and deceptive philosophy (2:8), lacking any ability to restrain the old sinful nature (2:23). The theme of Colossians is the complete adequacy of Christ as contrasted with the emptiness of mere human philosophy. Peace and Many Blessings!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 22:48:44 +0000

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