As this an open group for public information and new people who - TopicsExpress


As this an open group for public information and new people who have just discovered they have this dreaded beastie. I thought it best to describe my own observation and experience so far. I believe also that I am only in the early stages of this and may not have all the symptoms yet, such as brain fog, and severe malaise. I have all the other symptoms and I am seeing the same thing under my microscope a lot of other suffers and research technicians have been seeing. I will add my opinion or conjecture to these numbered observed facts and must be taken as an opinion only and not fact. I do have strong observational skills and use Logic in most of everything I do in regards to scientific investigations and only make judgments when things are repeatable and not just a one of event, observation or test. 1. I contracted this, either, from another human being, arthropod, insect or some other environmental factor. Some professional’s state that you must have had contracted Lyme’s disease at some stage, well if this is the case; it has taken over 30 years after the infection of Lyme’s for this to appear in my case. This does not mean there is not a similar Borrelia bacteria, a spirochete, which there are numerous specious of, and is also associated with this. I looking into this today and I am going to stain a number slides appropriately (Extremely difficult to perform), for this bacteria to see if I can at least detect whether there is a spirochete type bacteria in evidence, I will not be able to identify its species but it will tell me that the family of this is present. 2. My symptoms have been, continual bitting itching feeling with lesions plus a severe skin allergic reaction to its presence. 3. The lesions burst open by themselves with out any poking or scratching from by self but the actions in doing so may help the release of what’s in the lesions sooner. I have two frozen shoulder and can not reach a lot of these lesions on my back, so I am not poking them or severely scratching at them because I can not reach them. 4. I knocked the immune response symptoms that where casing the severe dermatitis reactions with an antihistamine tablet, Polaramine, which is available from any Chemist and you do not need a script to buy it, in Australia anyway. Also an antihistamine cream can add a tiny bit of relief but avoid any based on lanoline as I found these to burn and you must only use one based on a Aqueous cream. But I have found the application of such does very little. The Polaraimine tablets I discovered, I can reduce my dose to about one tablet every three to four days. I only take one of these when the dermatitis symptoms just start to appear, which, is a type of stinging feeling that appears. A month ago, my whole back got covered in a extremely awful nasty rash causing a lot of open wounds. This has not reappeared with the application of the Polaramine every three to four days. 5. My observation of the lesions bursting open and releasing there contents over a large area of your skin seems to be evident and is possibly causing a re-infection in other areas of your skin and other parts of your Anatomy. Hence the CDC’s remark, of finding these fibres in areas of none puncture type wounds or sores. 6. I found the application of Iodine to the open sore extremely beneficial and help in the healing of these wounds as it will also kill any post infection. The types that are available from your local chemist are, Betadine and Tincture of Iodine with are both chemically identical. Soothing baths also help clean and rid your skin of this nasty, depending on what you use in the bath. It also could be getting into our clothes so be aware of this possibility and wash everything in hot water and, if you can iron them, or place them in the freezer for a period to reduce re-infection this way Apply similar strategies as you would for body louse or scabies etc.. The other application of other topical solutions and creams, whether herbal or not may be of some benefit to you. 7. The observation under my Microscope of a funny looking larvae form seems to be evident and also the possibility of an associated arthropod that might be extremely quick as no one has actually seen the entire animal as yet. Could be escaping when the lesions burst open and leaving the strange bundle of fibres from its cocoon behind and is extremely difficult to catch. Again, this is only my own opinion from observation and logic. 8. There are a number of ways to investigate the organism responsible, I have discovered the University of Queensland Histology Laboratories with perform the Histology on my collected samples reasonably cheap, I considering the cost. They will charge $50.00/hr Au and feel that it will only take 3 to 4 hours, $200 AU total. But, again I think this may take quite a lot longer. But they are also very, very interested in this. There are also a number of Medical professionals here in south east Queensland who know it is real and will treat you but at an enormous cost to the patient as it is not covered by Medicare, it is still not even recognised as a real condition by most Medical Associations around the world. 9. We need to keep pushing the medical professionals on this to get to the, How, Why, & when and to find a way of killing it in the infected, and our environment if it is present in some from. 10. The organism has been around since the 17th Century, but that is not to say it has not mutated in some way since its original discovery by environmental or other means. There are lots of conspiracy theories out there about where it came from and must be not taken as fact as yet, until we actually understand the organism itself first, before we can start pointing the finger at any one particular source. But do keep an open mind on this as a lot is not known yet and only guessed at the connection, as some are saying. I will continue to investigate and research this, and will be supplying quite a lot of preserved samples and fresh live samples to the Histology Lab early next year. I have to save up my money to get this done as my finances are not too great. Again, I must state the above statement are from my own case, observational skills and logic and any opinion I have added must be taken as not a fact but just and a opinion and conjecture on this subject. Rod Burgess :) Queensland Australia
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:17:21 +0000

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