As this shutdown resonates across the country I can not help to - TopicsExpress


As this shutdown resonates across the country I can not help to wonder if most Americans can really see what is at stake . Beyond the fray of how this effects us here at home economically Americans weigh whether or not the President should negotiate. Well at least according to polls about 28% U.S. think he should. While the other 72% do not . But how many I wonder who feel he should not considered this in their analogy. Question: How quickly would the right use the concessions if made in these negotiations by the Commander n Chief against him in the event He sits down with Iran or North Korea ? My guess moments after he meets with them. So in reality they will always find a way to criticize anything he does ,whether they originally agreed with him on an issue. But what will reveal itself in a devastating blow to the right if they choose this path is how unified Americans become when it comes to foreign policy . After 911 W enjoyed a 90% approval . Showing that the left is Patriotic .Those 10 % of anarchist who did not in my assumption are split between the far right and the far left .One being to passive to think any response is appropriate ,and the others isolationist and extreme right leaning that just hate the thought of Government in any capacity. My quote I still hold true being to the left of Dennis Kucinich on social issues ,and to the right of Dick Chenney on defense lol is this " The far left when it comes to defense will if we allow it ,will get us all killed . But the far right when it comes to economics will drive us right off a cliff ,if we let them . When the road to peace begins soon do not hold your tongue when these folks on the hill begin their assault on our President .Call them out and tell them your just trying to derail the legacy of yet another great leader ,except this time its not over personal failings ,it is about their own to this country . Stand with our President and allow him to take the helm and stay on the course of peace ,even if we have to blast our way to it .
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 16:44:06 +0000

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