As those fighting for the Liberation of Animals, we should always - TopicsExpress


As those fighting for the Liberation of Animals, we should always keep the Animal victims at the forefront of our advocacy and in the constant focus of our crosshairs. When we take a position that offers solidarity to or fights for the rights of those whom DIRECTLY OPPRESS animals, we are not only putting Animals on the backburner, we are essentially siding with the oppressors. Veganism, Animal Rights and Liberation is not about Human issues, nor is it about making apologies for those whom accept a wage to torture, enslave and murder animals. There is never a valid excuse to harm innocent animals; regardless of Race, Culture, Traditions; or Economic or Social conditions. This is a message that must never be diluded if we are to take the Animals plight and suffering seriously! If we were talking about Humans being enslaved, tortured, exploited and murdered, no rational person would ever offer solidarity to the direct oppressors of those Humans; if we did, then we would have automatically dismissed the VICTIMS to side with the VICTIMIZERS. In fact not remaining consistent in this position and offering sympathy for Human Oppressors at the same time means the position is now a Speciesist one, where Human suffering takes the lead and priority over Animal suffering; which is detrimental to Animal Liberation and is the reason we are where we are today; fighting for animals. That being said, if you wish to offer sympathy and solidarity to those perpetuating a broken and violent system; the DIRECT OPPRESSORS of animals, than consistency in that position is required. This means one would also have to offer solidarity and empathy for ALL direct animal oppressors; the vivisectionist electroding animals in a lab, the hunters lying in wait to shoot an unsuspecting animal, the fur farmers skinning animals alive, the poachers killing off animals for ivory, the whalers pulling animals from the seas, etc., because THEY ARE ALL products of a broken and violent system. To remain morally consistent and to cite Historical context to present just what this position advocates for would also mean offering solidarity and empathy for NAZIS whom killed off around 10 million people during the reign of the Third Reich, because they to were products of a broken and violent political system. It doesnt take a genius to see the flaw in this logic and position. I will ONLY offer solidarity to Direct Animal Oppressors when they stop oppressing animals. Meaning when they relinquish power, drop their knives, drop their rifles, remove their traps, hang up their lab coats and walk away from the killing floors and offer solidarity to me; The Animal Liberationist.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 17:38:58 +0000

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