As thousands marched on the streets this weekend for so-called - TopicsExpress


As thousands marched on the streets this weekend for so-called climate justice Im going to go out on a limb here and say that l find it doubtful that climate change is primarily linked to fossil fuel usage. Why? Well first of all dramatic upheavals in the earth and its climate have happened frequently on the earth long before fossil fuels were introduced. But more importantly, I know that the universe acts like a mirror, mirroring back to us what we send out - both individually and collectively. And what is it that its mirroring? Is it not our state of consciousness? So in one sense, we can see the earth as a giant feedback mechanism reflecting back to us our state of consciousness that we might learn and grow from the results. Of course, the implication of what Im saying is that if humanity raises its consciousness, it will also raise the planet and eventually heal the imbalances that weve imposed on it. And I would say that the major imbalance weve imposed upon the earth is the force based mindset - which is an inevitable byproduct of the consciousness of separation - which believes it has to take things by force because it sees everyone as separate from each other and our Source. Now, certainly, using fossil fuels is a manifestation of the force based mindset and should eventually be abandoned as we rise in awareness and oneness. But so are many other things in this world - including the attitude that many environmentalists take of trying to force people into being environmentally good. Often these people are being unwittingly used by the power elite as a means of restricting our freedoms and gaining more control over us. You see, as has been said, you cant solve a problem in the same state of consciousness that created it. So in what way them will more of the force based mindset - even when its used to enforce environmental correctness - solve the problem created by the force based mindset? Was not Jesus referring to this mindset when he said the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force? If we want the climate to come back into balance, if we want to heal this planet, we have to heal ourselves from cause of it - which is the consciousness of separation. If we do that, we will eventually but surely see the kingdom come on earth (both spiritually and materially) as it is in heaven.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 23:08:11 +0000

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