As time goes on, as you cultivate more and more diligently, as - TopicsExpress


As time goes on, as you cultivate more and more diligently, as your energy increases, as your wisdom is inspired gradually, as opportunity, causes and conditions are coming, some of you will experience obvious remolding. You will clearly feel it. 尤其是已经进入天人合一修炼的弟子,由于使命的需要,宇宙能量调整的需要,天地运行的需要诸种因素,你们的脱胎换骨会有明显的感觉,犹如化茧成蝶、犹如破壳而出、犹如浴火重生。 Especially for those disciples who have been practicing Oneness of Heaven, Earth and Man, due to various factors such as the need of missions, the need of cosmic energy adjustment and the need of operation of Heaven and Earth, you will feel your self-remolding obviously, which is like a butterfly breaking through its cocoon, a chick breaking through the egg shell and a phoenix being reborn in the raging fire. 化茧成蝶、破壳而出、浴火重生这一过程会有不同程度的疼痛、难受,等反应,每人不尽相同。 There will be various degrees of pains, discomforts and other reactions during this process. Different people may have different reactions. 尤其是在大救度中领有使命之人,表现的尤为突出,时不我待呀! 能量至关重要! Especially for those people with missions in the Great Salvation, the reaction will be fierce. Time waits for no one! The energy is particularly important! 能量不足会胎死腹中! It will be aborted if energy is not enough. 蝶无力化茧,鸡无力出壳,凤凰无力通透烈火,这个结果你们是可想而知的。 If the butterfly is too weak to break out of its cocoon, if the chick is too weak to break off its egg shell and if the phoenix is too weak to get through the burning fire, the result could be imagined. 要想获得高能量必须做到: 心正、心善、心诚、心净、与佛相应。 To obtain high energy, your mind must be righteous, kindhearted, sincere, pure and responding to the Buddha. 这是密中密法的心法。 This is the mind method of the Secret-in-Secret Cultivation Method. 高能量有三个渠道: There are three channels to obtain high energy: 1、宇宙能量。 2、自然能量。 3、饮食能量。 1、Cosmic energy. 2、Natural energy. 3、Dietary energy. 其中最重要的是宇宙能量,来自于宙心(宇心、佛心、性海、道心、天心)的高层次、高频率、高振动、高维次能量。 The most important one is the cosmic energy of high level, high frequency, high vibration and high dimension from the Cosmos-Source (Cosmos-Center, Buddha-Source, Nature-Ocean, Tao-Source and Heaven-Source). 佛菩萨加持的能量是宙心能量的一个方面,而不是全部。 The energy from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas’ blessing is one aspect of energy from the Cosmic Source but not entire. 但就佛菩萨加持而言,也不是普通人所理解的仅仅是佛光普照。 In terms of blessing from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, it is not merely the universal illuminating of Buddha Light understood by the ordinary. 法宝是宇宙能量。 The dharma treasures are cosmic energy. 法器是宇宙能量。 The dharma-vessel is cosmic energy. 净水是宇宙能量。 The pure water is cosmic energy. 灵芝仙草是宇宙能量。 The Lucid Ganoderma is cosmic energy. 仙药仙丹是宇宙能量。 The fairy medicine and elixir is cosmic energy. 天界圣物是宇宙能量。 The heavenly holy matters are cosmic energy. 蟠桃是宇宙能量。 The heavenly peaches are cosmic energy. 仙果是宇宙能量。 The heavenly fruits are cosmic energy. 天莲是宇宙能量。 The heavenly lotus is cosmic energy. 太多太多。 Too much and too many! 上天对你们的厚爱,太多太多,你们却不接受。 The heaven has granted you far too much love, but you do not accept it. 神佛对你们的厚赠,太多太多,你们却不接受。 GODs and Buddhas have granted you far too many gifts, but you do not accept them. 宇宙对你们的厚赠,太多太多,你们却不接受。 The universe has granted you far too many presents, but you do not accept them. 要想获得高能量必须做到: 心正、心善、心诚、心净、与佛相应。 To obtain high energy, your mind must be righteous, kindhearted, sincere, pure and responding to the Buddha. 这是密中密法的心法。 This is the mind method of the Secret-in-Secret Cultivation Method. 若非时间紧迫,Osifu不会点破。 Osifu would not point it out bluntly unless the time is really urgent. 尔等人魂太执着! Your hominine souls are clinged to illusions too tight! 尔等人魂太沉迷! Yourhominine souls are too indulged in illusions! 尔等人魂太分别! Yourhominine souls are too discriminative! 尔等人魂太妄想! Yourhominine souls have too much false thoughts! 尔等地魂太忧虑! Your Earth souls are too apprehensive! 尔等地魂太焦急! Your Earth souls are too anxious! 尔等地魂太无力! Your Earth souls are too weak! 尔等地魂太窒息! Your Earth souls are choking to death! 尔等天魂泪如雨! Your Heaven souls are shedding floods of tears! 尔等天魂顿足泣! Your Heaven souls are stamping and weeping! 尔等天魂鞭莫及! Your Heaven souls are too anxious but could not help much! 尔等天魂错失机! Your Heaven souls are missing opportunities! 你们可以继续观望,这是你们自己的选择,Osifu心力已尽。 You may continue to wait and see, which is your own choice, and Osifu has tried his best. 你们可以继续诽谤,这是你们自己的选择,Osifu心力已尽。 You may continue to slander, which is your own choice, and Osifu has tried his best. 你们可以继续攻击,这是你们自己的选择,Osifu心力已尽。 You may continue to make accusation, which is your own choice, and Osifu has tried his best. 你们可以继续等待,这是你们自己的选择,Osifu心力已尽。 You may continue to wait, which is your own choice, and Osifu has tried his best. 你们可以继续造业,这是你们自己的选择,Osifu心力已尽。 You may continue to create karmas, which is your own choice, and Osifu has tried his best. 你们可以继续轮回,这是你们自己的选择,Osifu心力已尽。 You may continue to transmigrate, which is your own choice, and Osifu has tried his best. 希望你们选择出离,这是你们自己的选择和自由。如此,Osifu心力没有白费。 Hope you choose to get liberated from transmigration, which is your own choice and will. If so, Osifu’s efforts would not bein vain. 希望你们选择解脱,这是你们自己的选择和自由。如此,Osifu心力没有白费。 Hope you choose to gain release from the birth and death prison, which is your own choice and will. If so, Osifu’s efforts would not be in vain. 希望你们选择回归,这是你们自己的选择和自由。如此,Osifu心力没有白费。 Hope you choose to return home, which is your own choice and will. If so, Osifu’s efforts would not be in vain.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 04:33:24 +0000

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