As upheaval returns to the city of Saint Louis this weekend, we - TopicsExpress


As upheaval returns to the city of Saint Louis this weekend, we pray: Gracious God and Father, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, You came to bring us Your heavenly peace, but violence and conflict still rage among Your children on earth. In Your mercy and goodness bring an end to the discord and violence in St. Louis. Be with all who seek to bring a godly solution, grant safety to those who live and work there, guide those whom you have entrusted to govern and maintain order. Bless our churches and pastors in the troubled neighborhoods as they open their doors and walk the streets bearing witness to You, the Prince of Peace. Bring a restoration of calm and security, and heal the wounds that need mending. Open Your fatherly heart and bountiful hand to help all in need. Grant that we may all live together in unity and peace, and let all hatred and ill will be remembered no more. Give us that peace which the world cannot give, and grant us grace that, delivered from all conflict and strife, we may live in harmony and safety. And finally, having gained the eternal rest of the saints in glory, may we praise and bless, worship and glorify You forever; through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 23:19:15 +0000

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