As usual, I am the proverbial black sheep. My opinions are just as - TopicsExpress


As usual, I am the proverbial black sheep. My opinions are just as important as yours. I have lived a fairly long life and dealt with many things you could never dream of. My choices may have not always been right, but I did the best I thought. you have not lived my life and had to make those kind of choices. This does not make me a bad person. It only shows that I have had many hard decisions you have not had to make. I try very hard to be a good person. I dont agree with all of your life decisions, but those are not mine to make. You have to live your life the best way you see fit. I will give you my opinion, but thats it. I support whatever you decide. After all, its YOUR life. I was going to say, stop looking down at me, but quite frankly, it doesnt matter. True, it may hurt some, but in the end, it is my life. I know that I am a good person. I do what I think is best. I dont go out of my way to make anyones life more difficult than it already has to be. In return, I expect the same. I have made many mistakes that I am not proud of, but so have we all. Before you look down at your nose at me, inspect your own life. The only difference between you and me, is that no one has the nerve to confront you, because they are afraid of you. I am not afraid, willing to admit, and be thankful for the help I did get along the way. I am sick and tired of being treated like a second class citizen. If you all dont like me, thats fine. I will still hold my head up high, be proud of who I am, accept the responsibilities off what I have done wrong, be grateful for your help, but mostly be proud of who I am. I am not perfect, but I AM some ones, daughter, sister, mother, wife. So before you label me.............take a good hard look at your own life. And, never , ever , expect that it will turn out the way you want. Life has a funny way of changing your plans
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 03:20:58 +0000

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