As vegans and true animal lovers, we are constantly reminded about - TopicsExpress


As vegans and true animal lovers, we are constantly reminded about the horrible lives and deaths animals must endure at the hands of humans. In an effort to lighten up the mood, this group is dedicated to the humorous side of veganism, animal rights, and human/animal interaction in general. Dark humor is unavoidable, but lets TRY to keep it light-hearted. Dont forget to SHARE this group with your vegan-friendly friends! The bigger the group, the more humour! This group is fully public and only lightly moderated, however, there have occasionally been a lot of posts that are far, far, off-topic. While most of these are still vegan in their subject matter, this a vegan HUMOUR group first and foremost. In order to remain a humour group, I have to take a rather strict position on what is or isnt on-topic: The post must be vegan-related (dietary, environmental, animal rights, human/animal interaction) and must be presented with at least a minimal attempt to elicit a laugh or smile or to demonstrate irony. While I dont disagree with the subjects of off-topic vegan posts, this is NOT the group to which you may post recipes, petitions, health tips, polls/surveys, shelter rescue pleas, news stories (unless they are humourous), and pics/drawings of cute animals or animal abuse/gore. [Addendum: In the past, I have been ok with pet humour, because part of veganism is the interaction humans have with other animals, including rescued dogs and cats. However, a recent trend that I and others have noticed is a LOT of more generic dog and cat pics and jokes. While funny and/or cute, this type of content is steering us quite a bit off-course when it comes to the group being VEGAN humour.] There are plenty of other vegan groups and pages to which such off-topic material may be shared. I will delete such postings with the comment off-topic. If this behaviour continues by the same person after a few deletions, they will be booted from the group. Trolls may or may not be tolerated depending upon how much fun we have with them. As we are a group of smart(ass) people with a solid funny-bone, I believe we can derail trolls with our humour and for this reason (and because of the humour potential in such exchanges), Ill tolerate them to some extent. The minute it becomes abusive (either towards or from the troll) the posting will be deleted and the troll may be booted (depending upon their behaviour). That being said, rest assured that in no way will I allow trolling to disrupt or become a major part of this group. As always, spammers will be banned on sight. Thanks again for helping make this one of the best groups of Facebook!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:30:02 +0000

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