As we approach the fast food strike tomorrow. I happened to be - TopicsExpress


As we approach the fast food strike tomorrow. I happened to be doing some research on WalMart and Im sure this would apply to all minimum wage businesses. Wal Mart has 1.4 Million employees. Now lets pretend that these employees were all low wage earners (which i guess about about 95 percent are but I am assuming for this exercise they all are) and lets say we raised all of their salaries by $7 per hour. (yes that is right $7 even for the executives, I dont play with statistics) and lets pretend that they are all full time workers (which I guess they are not but I am making this worse case scenario). 1,400,000 (workers) times $7 times 2,000 (hours) = 19,600,000,000 (billion) How could WalMart afford that and still pay their CEOs and stockholders? Well their sales are $500,000,000,000 (billion) annually. So they could raise their prices by 4% and the CEOs could keep their pay the same (plus the $7 an hour raise :) ) and they could pay the same dividends. So the $2.00 T shirt is now $2.08. The $400 TV is now $416. Not so bad. But look further. We now have 1.4 Million people with $14,000 each in their pockets to spend. And look even further the workers at WalMart will not need as much, if any, public assistance. Therefor the rest of us will not have to support WalMarts profits and we could lower taxes which would put a lot of money in all of our pockets or we could spend it on higher education which would decrease the cost of college which would put more money in all our pockets therefor giving the american middle class more to spend and therefor creating more jobs. Imagine a progressive liberal (me) coming up with a fiscal policy that benefits the worker and increases opportunity for the worker and the middle class and does not grab money out of the bad rich peoples hands. You really should listen to us rather than pass us off as left wing radicals who only want to take. We make sense. A hell of a lot of it. Please decide with these facts not with rhetoric. Thanks very much for reading this
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 13:40:15 +0000

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