As we are coming to find out, wounded Vets are big money. - TopicsExpress


As we are coming to find out, wounded Vets are big money. Considering I’m 146% disabled, I’m trying to figure out how to tap into this. The only thing I can see is to start my own 501(c)(3) and start cooking the books with a big $300 K a year salary for my work. Member and eagled-eyed scrutinizer Bruce spotted this heartbreaking article. Just when we thought it was safe to come out of the woods after the last news of the Big Six VSOs padding their bank accounts on the backs of all our disabled, along comes this article and investigation revealing nothing is sacred among thieves. If you were thinking about donating to the Wounded Warrior Project, think twice. It would behoove you to get in your car and drive cross-country to deliver the funds to the charity you hope to help. More money would end up in their hands than entrusting it to the WWP for disbursement. The Beatles song Tax Man comes to mind- Here’s one for you, nineteen for me. Here’s what I received. It’s ugly. I’m really sad to read this about the Wounded Warrior Project. I have definitely been a supporter up to now. The attached 2011 990 tax return is a real eye opener! For one, that’s a lot of BIG salaries they are paying at the first and apparently the second (outsourced) level for executive compensation! Obviously it’s not only corporations that can get greedy. >Sad to say, the Wounded Warrior Project is bled dry by a top heavy, greedy executive structure and the remaining funds are disbursed to multi-tier distribution organizations with similar management structures. By the time the money actually goes to direct benefits for veterans, there is probably less than 10% that reaches them. Below are results of an investigation by a retired USMC Colonel. At a recent meeting of a veterans association with which I am involved, a suggestion was made that we contribute to “The Wounded Warriors Project” (WWP). As an officer of the association, I was asked to do some research and make a recommendation regarding contributing to WWP. As one who fervently believes that our wounded warriors and their care-giving families deserve our unqualified support, I also believe that the public should be informed of the appropriateness and effectiveness of charitable organizations that support veterans. The results of my research are disappointing, to say the least. To summarize, the WWP collects a fee in the form of generous compensation paid to WWP executives who outsource fund raising, collection and distribution of funds to other 501.c.3 organizations which provide services that directly benefit veterans. The WWP would make Bernie Madoff proud! My actual report follows for your information. Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 8:01 PM Subject: Wounded Warrior Project Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) FY 2011 Form 990 (copy attached). In addition, I have surveyed other available information pertaining to WWP. I did note the pie chart percentages which you mention (Administrative Expense: 4.4%, Fundraising Exp.: 12.8%). Based on the WWP Form 990, these figures are misleading. Total 2011 revenues were $154.9 MM with total fundraising expenses of $20.5MM and total administrative expenses, including outsourced services, of $95.5MM. Note that the total administrative expense includes fund raising. Therefore, as a percentage of total revenue, administrative expenses amount to 61.63%, including fundraising expenses of 13.2%. This equates to 38.36% of revenues available to benefit wounded warriors. As far as I can determine, WWP outsources all major functions, including fundraising, legal, donation processing, donation distribution, etc. Compensation for the top ten WWP employees runs from $150K to $333K per officer annually. wwpAs far as I can determine, WWP does little, if any, direct support of wounded warriors and wounded warrior programs. Rather, WWP makes grants and contributions to other 501.c.3 organizations which operate wounded warrior programs and/or serve veterans directly. Examples of 501.c.3 organizations receiving WWP funds include Fisher House, The American Red Cross, The VFW, Easter Seals, and numerous little known and unheard of local and national organizations. While many of these organizations provide valuable services to wounded warriors, many more are suspect. As an example, I question an expenditure of $300K for a parade. Some organizations are known to be inefficient and not the favorite of veterans (e.g. The American Red Cross). I also question the use of funds for lobbying activities. It would appear that HMM-265 Veterans Association would be eligible to receive WWP funds. It is true that WWP was the center of controversy involving their anti-Second Amendment position, as mentioned during our general meeting. There is no question that WWP does contribute substantial funds for the benefit of wounded warriors. Notwithstanding, it appears that a more effective use of Association funds would be to contribute directly to The Fisher House, Navy-Marine Corps Relief, The Salvation Army, and others. Attached below is IRS Form 990 revealing the perfidy of their spending (or lack thereof). Please, sir. May I have another parade? wwp-900-fy-2012 P.S. There seems to be a little misunderstanding about how I can be 146% disabled. If I round it up, it is actually 150% but I have claims pending which will add to it and hopefully pay me for being housebound until I reach room temperature. If any of you are familiar with Chapter 38, Code of Federal Regulations (38CFR) , please turn to Part 3, § 3.350. Or, in the alternative, look at 38 United States Code, § 1114. There you will find a wealth of information on how you, too, can exceed what you perceive, or have been told, is the ceiling (100% rating). The Statute and the regulation both deal with what is known as Special Monthly Compensation (SMC). This is in addition to your normal ratings. For example, if you have a foot or hand blown off, you get SMC “K” for about $100 more in addition to any rating(s) you have. If both your buttocks are shot off, you get one “K” for that as well. You can have up to a maximum of three “K”s simultaneously. If you have separate, ratable disabilities above and beyond 100% (or TDIU), that add up to 60% or more using 38 CFR § 4.25 tables, you get SMC “S” or housebound. If you have two (2) 100% ratings and become severely ill, losing the use of both your legs or both your arms, you are entitled to the next higher rating above SMC “L” which is “M”. This 100% “bump” continues right on up to SMC “N”. If you simply cannot conceive of being more than 100% disabled or vehemently deny its possibility, then I suggest you look in the mirror. VA has been doing it since WWII. They do not advertise this (obviously) as a number of you have never heard of it. This has absolutely nothing to do with this post but somehow has suddenly become a stumbling block for those who seek to find anything to destroy the thrust and import of the post. If you still do not believe me, I suggest you consult the Court of Veterans Appeals (CAVC)decision of Buie v. Shinseki asknod.wordpress/2011/09/27/cavc-buie-5-v-shinseki-0-2011/. It explains the concept very clearly if you are even remotely versed in the English language. If you are illiterate, then no one can help you absorb this concept. Quite simply, thinking the ratings table ends abruptly at 100% is like insisting the earth is flat. A Marine I helped who ate more Agent Orange and Blue than me now has a 280% rating. He would prefer to have his Chiropractic practice back just as I would prefer to still be building houses. It’s far more financially rewarding, both mentally and physically, to work than to live on a VA compensation check and be viewed as a goldbrick. And lastly, I take no pleasure in bearing these bad tidings. Dean Graham, no relation to me, of Help Indiana Vets was the progenitor. He and his organization are now being sued for revealing that the WWP Emperor is naked. I suppose they may try to sue me as well. Good Luck. I’ll be dead long before they get an assigned docket date. I’m Stage 4 as of June 2012 and the Bingo light is flashing red. I received the WWP info from Bruce McCartney (Tip of the Spear) in Georgia who many may remember from In The Shadow Of The Blade video of the immortal Huey UH-1 chopper video. He did four tours back to back in-country as a combat medic in a dustoff. I think he speaks for all Veterans of the Vietnam Boundary Dispute. All Veterans help sites aspire to one thing-unity and helping Veterans of all generations. WWP was the first to advocate segregating us by which period we served. They are also the first to take umbrage with the U.S. Constitution (2nd Amendment) and organized religious entities helping Veterans under the auspices of WWP. Always remember, they alone spearheaded the passage of the VA Caregiver Act, making it a benefit only to those who served after 9/11. Pray tell, how is a Vet gutted and left helpless and severely disabled for life by a Bouncing Betty in 1968 no less deserving of a full-time caregiver than a Vet horribly disabled by an IED in 2008? This dichotomy is the hallmark of the WWP and no other Veterans organization. Try to understand that before hurling your epithets at us. Believe me, none of us seek Andy Warhol, fifteen minute fame for a cheap shot at WWP. In the immortal words of John Rambo “They drew first blood, sir”. I add a PP.S. to this. WWP has been using fake wounded warriors at their sponsored events as well. This came to light very recently
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 00:42:58 +0000

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