As we are talking, another security officer of court, who also - TopicsExpress


As we are talking, another security officer of court, who also hasnt heard my side of the story, arrives on the scene. This officer doesnt lie, conspire with another to try and intimidate me into believing video recording isnt allowed like the other officer had, but he does tell the marshal, Watch out, he’s recording! Its obvious he knew who I was, knew the court had engaged in plenty of wrongdoing against me in the past, which I had not hesitated to report. Like other officers he was afraid that as a result of my video recording---either one of them could, at any moment, provide further evidence of how the courts have mistreated me, lied to me, and refused to follow rules--adding yet another item to my list of grievances I was acquiring against the court or, more importantly, some additional evidence that would support my pending case against the court. It was clear he was concerned that a fellow officer might implicate herself or the court in some way by something she says. The marshal, playing to the cameras in order to convey the courts had nothing to hide. says, Oh, I dont care. Im not telling him anything anyone else should know. Totally ignoring the fact that I am trying to maturely resolve the issue through discussion, the security officer tells the marshal to stop wasting her time on me--as if I was in the wrong. He states you can come back when everyone is calmed down--the prosecutors, judges, you. I tell him I am calm. Sympathetic to this, I explain that I won’t go up to the prosecutor’s office, and I apologize if I did anything that was wrong, but that I had other business to conduct in the courthouse. I had in mind going to see a judge. He says if you do not have any official business in the court and tell me what it is, you will leave “my courthouse” now. I say this isnt your court. Its the peoples court. He says we can argue symantics all day long but if you dont tell me what youll be doing in the courthouse, you will leave. I say I dont have to tell him. He tells the marshal to stop waisting her time on me and that the prosecution is done talking with me. Given their knowledge of my activeness in fighting for my case, and their own fear of mine raking up more muck and misconduct in the courthouse by taking action favorable to my case, I am forcibly removed from the court as I am video recording because I do not tell the security officer the nature of my case or future business. I am threatened with the punishment that if I re-entered the courthouse security officers would ban me from the courthouse for up to 180 days and, consequently, I would have the inability to take action on my case during that time--allowing the warrant to say in effect without me being able to take action on my case and posing the greater possibility of arrest. All this the security officer knew and provided to me in order to intimidate me. I try to reinter the courthouse and try to reason with the security guards. He says, no one is going to see you today. The only reason he can say so surely no one would talk to me is because he knows hes been authorized to keep me out--the peoples court! In reality, after making assurances I would not return to the prosecutor’s office and apologizing for doing anything wrong, there was no real good reason why I should not have been allowed to continue doing business in the court. Security and other departments had no right to keep me from video recording public servants in the exercise of their official duties but this was the primary reason security had been called--aside from the fact a clerk up open records had falsely and condescendingly claimed I had gotten so upset to merit calling security--when in actuality she retaliated by calling security when I did nothing more than ask she not call me a liar. However, the security officer was bothered that other people were dis-eased as a result of my video recording. Unconcerned that I had a right to video record or that other court personnel may have been wrong to call security on me in the first place, he would not listen to reason. Since I had been fighting the courts for so long, since they had treated me so badly in the past and lied and tried to strong arm me, since I was harassed and kicked out by security officers, who I know also were partial against me on account of judicial gossip that had reached their ears as much as anyone else in the court, I get more upset and frustrated with security in ways I wouldnt normally have been in other contexts. In the lobby of the courthouse, I am partly defensive for what they have claimed; partly motivated to try and reason with the security officers; and partly urged to advocate for my rights to be in the courthouse. However, given the security officer’s misperceptions from judicial gossip, as well as the bias, prejudice, and territoriality the security officers naturally feel for the court’s workers and judges rather than wanting to look objectively at facts and contrasting stories between the public and the court, security was not willing to engage in a reasonable conversation with me. They believe or want others to believe I was in the wrong or wanted to peg me in the wrong and did not seem amenable to listening to my side of the story. They say there must be a problem because I had been called on twice today. We arent going to go through this again. I should have known that, given the securitys prejudice, the likelihood they had been influenced by judicial gossip, and mine being provoked to anger by being kicked and mistreated by security, that trying to reason and convince the security officer of my case was a senseless endeavor. However, I am upset at all the unfair play and mistreatment, especially being falsely and wrongly labeled as uncooperative, because of the lies and mis-actions of the court and my doing nothing more than constitutionally advocate for my constitutional rights. I was also offended at being wrongly pegged as uncooperative. An objective fact finder would have realized that from the very beginning the court had wronged me and it continued to wrong me. After being kicked out discredited and refused to being listened to, this would be enough to make any one mad--and so admittedly my frustration increases and I was rightly defensive and felt like I had to try and defend myself. I repeatedly asked what the basis of being kicked out was? In my mind, the courts--not I--had been uncooperative from the very beginning--in doing what is lawful. Indeed from my very first court appearance and the motion I tried having filed by the clerk on 1-9-13, the courts repeatedly broke rules, lied to me, and so on. There was no reason for me to believe the court wouldnt repeat what it did. Security had been called after I gave a speech at city hall and because I simply asked a clerk, also biased against me, not to call me a liar. Security was also called, because I had been seen video recording in the court when everyone knew a new rule for releasing records was implement because of me. But the securitys explanation for why I was being removed was condescending and wrong, because You are not acting right, youve caused a commotion, you’re being uncooperative. On the steps of the courthouse, I am told I cannot enter the courthouse because I am being uncooperative; that I have a bad attitude. One security officer threatens that he will write me a citation for disorderly conduct, Do you want me to do that? I asked the security guard what it was that he thought I was doing or had done that caused a commotion--just as Judge Solis had asked me in the hallway outside the presence of a defense attorney or prosecutor many months ago, what the basis of my motion was. The security guard would not go into details and provide what he meant by this. All I know, he says, is that the people downstairs are not going to see you today. Then, after just getting through not asking my questions, he asks when my trial is and expects me to answer his questions. In the way I had just seen him act, and in the same way I had seen Mr. Harris respond to me when he said I dont have to tell you why a new policy was implemented making it more difficult for me to check and correct the record admist a pending case against an unrepresented defendant--I tell the officer I dont have to tell him when my trial is. During this discussion the security officer who kicked me out of the courthouse comes into the court foyer; he smiles and says, Officer in route before going back into the building. The security officer then says, when the officer gets here and issues you a citation, you will be arrested if you come back to the courthouse. The other officer then returns, smiles and tells me not to videorecord the public Then, even though I was standing in the same doorway as his security friend, thereby not impeding the flow of traffic any more than his officer buddy, the officer tells me I am impeding the flow of traffic. I eventually get the hint. Rights violation after rights violation. Security cares not about being fair and just because they are in on the attempt to keep me from my entitlement to a response to my motion. “Do you guys not understand?” I plead. I leave the courthouse--knowing that I was talking to minions of the court and it would be foolish to continue talking to them, knowing they were as brainwashed and protective of the court as city attorneys, councilmen and city staff.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 04:23:46 +0000

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