As we delve deeper into the 21st Century, its important to pause - TopicsExpress


As we delve deeper into the 21st Century, its important to pause and look at how we arrived at where we are today. Many people are correct to point out and reflect that today is the anniversary of Roe v Wade, a court decision that has impacted many lives in the US. However, today is also the anniversary of another, even more revolutionary event, Bloody Sunday, which occurred in Russia, 1905. This was the beginning of a year of unrest all over the czarist empire, and ended the age of absolutism in Russia by instituting constitutional monarchy with the creation of the Duma. It was also the final death knell for the old monarchies whose wealth was based on land, and the moment when states with economies based on capital would become triumphant. The years surrounding World War I were the most transforming of the last century. For all of the effort, death, and destruction of World War II, that conflict was just a matter of deciding which of the competing, new economic and political structures of empire would be dominant. The uprising was due to a lack of jobs, opportunity, rights and food, which stemmed from a wasteful, inefficient, and outdated economic and political system which had exhausted the country of money and resources in the wake of the Russo-Japanese War. As we know, the imperial government of Russia did not learn from those mistakes (the writing had been on the wall since the time of Catherine the Great), and steered the country into a cycle of revolution and counterrevolution a little over a decade later, which ultimately led to Stalinism. I mention this, because as we know, human history has a tendency to be cyclical, repetitive, as with any sustained system. What happened in Moscow a century ago happened in Paris a century before that. And with the American economy structured with a spiraling deficit to support perpetual war at the cost of education, infrastructure, public health, civil liberties, and having enough food, dont be surprised when history repeats itself. Again.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 23:06:36 +0000

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