As we enter the flu season this is a great article to read and - TopicsExpress


As we enter the flu season this is a great article to read and understand how antibiotics use is abused and can be dangerous. More often than not when we start feeling sick we run to the doctor and the first medication given is antibiotics prior to knowing what the problem is. As the word indicates antibiotics purpose is to fight against bacteria not viruses. Here are the viruses that antibiotics are ineffective against (per Mayo Clinic article is also share here) like bronchitis,colds,Flu (influenza),most coughs,most ear infections,most sore throats,stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis). Some over-the-counter cough medicines can help bronchitis and other viral infections like; gargling with salt water can help sore throats, rest and fluids can help both, also essential oils like Thieves, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, R.C., Raven and others. if you choose to treat essential oils or over the counters medications call the doctor in 1 to 2 days if you:Notice increased shortness of breath after any physical activity, have a cough that causes you to vomit frequently, have a cough that has lasted longer than 4 weeks, are being treated for acute bronchitis and your symptoms have not improved after 14 days of treatment, have a cough that frequently produces yellow or green sputum from the lungs (not postnasal drainage), lasts longer than 2 days, and occurs along with a fever of 101°F (38.3°C) or higher.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 04:45:11 +0000

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