As we gather today, many are dealing with disappointments with - TopicsExpress


As we gather today, many are dealing with disappointments with family and friends. Many have found that in their times of need, those they thought they could depend on, are not there to help as they thought they would be. For some, the disappointments and sadness, have been replaced with resentment and anger. Lord, we know you are in control of all things. This happens to so many and so often… and it compounds the grief and losses that so many are already dealing with. But you are sovereign, Lord…you knew these things would happen and you will not waste this pain in our lives….you will use it for our good to draw us closer to yourself…to allow us to see your provision for things that we thought others would provide. When these things happen they show us and remind us, that people will always let us down, but you never will….and you use these circumstances to teach us about grace, Lord. There are many reasons for people not being there in a time of need…perhaps those who we were counting on are dealing with difficult circumstances themselves and that is all they can deal with at the moment… perhaps they had good intentions, but things have come up in their lives that they were not counting on…perhaps it is a personality defect or a mental illness, that causes them to have a lack of compassion or to be self-centered and oblivious to anyone’s needs but their own… and sometimes it’s just because people are fearful, or don’t know what to say or do and they just pull away…but whatever the reason…the answer for us is always the same…we are all imperfect people…in a need of a Savior…and we must pray for each other and forgive each other… just as you do for us. We must grieve our hurts and our losses and bring them to you and then pray for the help to heal from our wounds and to love those who hurt us, just as you would love them. We are to pray for a heart that is patient, kind and forgiving… even when people do not live up to their promises or responsibilities. The enemy is looking to kick us when we are down. He is looking to heap things on us so we will turn from you and pull away from church or other believers…he wants to isolate us and make us distrustful, upset and angry. But what he has meant for our harm and to make us feel alone, you use to make us more aware of your presence. You turn around and make us more dependent on you instead of others. You use these things to make us more like Jesus…because if there was ever anyone who understands about being let down and disappointed and hurt by people, it is you, Lord. You have suffered these things more than any other…yet You have compassion for us and for the people who do such things…that is how you could say on the cross, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do”. Father, for those who are hurting today give them a fresh perspective. Fill their hearts with your love…your compassion…your patience… and your grace. For those who are needing physical, tangible help in their lives, we ask that you will send people to come stand beside them and be your hands and feet…for those who need a place to stay, please provide…for those who need a friend in the midst of their loneliness, we thank you for being there so we are never truly alone, but please send someone to those who need to feel a human touch…for those who have been left high and dry or who are now left dealing with problems that are not of their own doing…please make a way where there seems to be no way, Lord. Father, please meet each need…spoken and unspoken…related to this area or not… and help us all Lord, not to dwell on the things of this world, but help us to focus on You the one that heals our hurts, dries our tears and helps us to do what we could never do on our own. May your light shine in us and through us Lord. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen Blessings be upon you all!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 17:47:40 +0000

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