As we gather with families and friends this Labor Day, remember - TopicsExpress


As we gather with families and friends this Labor Day, remember the American worker and all those who wish to work. As Calvin Coolidge said in a Labor Day address: I cannot think of anything that represents the American people as a whole so adequately as honest work. We perform different tasks, but the spirit is the same. We are proud of work and ashamed of idleness. With us there is no task which is menial, no service which is degrading. All work is ennobling and all workers are ennobled. Today, too many Americans who want work are deprived of that opportunity. The nominal unemployment rate is 6.2%. The number of unemployed is 9.7 million. The number of Americans who want work but have stopped looking is 2.2 million, and the number of discouraged Americans who have given up looking for work is 741,000. The number of underemployed Americans is 19.4 million. These are people who are unemployed (9.7 million), want work but have stopped searching for a job (2.2 million), or are working part time because they cannot find full time employment (7.5 million). The labor force participation rate is 62.9 percent--the lowest level of participation since 1978. The number of Americans not in the labor force is still over 92 million Americans, as 11,472,000 million Americans have left the workforce since President Obama took office. These are not mere statistics—these represent real people, real families, people who have had their hopes and dreams crushed by a President and Democrats in Congress whose faith in Progressive politics will not be changed by the facts—their economic policies are a failure. We can grow our way out of this problem. Ronald Reagan helped us do it in the 1980s and we can to it again now. If the economy had recovered at the pace of Reagan’s recovery the economy would be $2.2 trillion larger this year. Its all because he put his faith in Americas workers to make their own decisions that unleashed a new era of prosperity for the nation. President Obama has done the opposite and because of destructive Obama policies, the economy has lost $6.4 trillion cumulatively since the recession ended--$20,388 per person. We owe it to the American people to get the economy going again. Many look for some silver bullet or innovative policy proposal, but it all goes to one basic question: Whom do you trust more, the the government, or the workers? I trust the workers. The American worker is what has made our nation the envy of the world. American workers create jobs, growth, and opportunities for themselves and the next generation. And, it is the American worker who deserves our confidence, support, and respect once again.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 13:10:46 +0000

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