As we go into 2015, let us pray that: - We would live for - TopicsExpress


As we go into 2015, let us pray that: - We would live for Biblical righteousness and holiness! - Every unsaved person around us would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ ASAP! - Our pulpits and fellow “Christians” would humble themselves and repent of their arrogance and return back to ALL of the God’s word! - Believers would study and obey Gods word daily! - Parents would teach the scriptures and pray with their children daily! - Our families would put Christ first and stop divorces, abuses, and destruction of the marriage and the child. That God’s word would be first and daily in devotions and in actions with the world. The family unit, as God designed, would be the most stable unit in society! - Our politicians would humble themselves and be led by the Lord in all that they do. That they would be Statesmen, and serve like Christ did. - Our teachers, schools, and colleges, would put the child first by educating them in solid subjects like math & science and greater still, help build a solid moral character by using biblical principles for stronger character. - We would oppose all perversions that would destroy individuals. People are responsible for their own actions yet true love would point it out as a warning sign in advance of the action. - Our economy would reject cronyism and get back to free market principles of personal hard work and success of a great product or service. - Our military would be effective and efficient in its role to protect life where possible. So many things to pray about. Let us pray for 2015 that God would be glorified and that our sin, which is leading to more lawlessness, would cease immediately!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:55:30 +0000

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