As we grow up, we get tuned to be ungrateful, to be blind to the - TopicsExpress


As we grow up, we get tuned to be ungrateful, to be blind to the blessings in our lives. We focus all our energy and attention on looking for whats lacking in our lives. This is really ironic, because the more we focus on scarcity, the more we tend to attract it. Research has proven that our thoughts and emotions emit powerful signals, and that these signals have the ability to attract signals of the same frequency! In other words, whenever youre ungrateful or have negative, self-defeating thoughts (for example, I never seem to have enough of money, or I can never be healthy, or Ill never find a practicing husband) or worry about issues beyond your control, youre actually emitting energies that will attract similar energies. Ultimately, youll end up becoming a black hole of despair. All the worries, arguments, and frustration just lead to more of the same. Want to try to attract more peace, joy, harmony, ease, and prosperity? Choose your thoughts consciously and carefully. Today non-Muslim researchers have discovered these secrets in the name of natural laws, while these open secrets were given to us in the Quran 1400 years ago. Psychologists and philosophers have painstakingly conducted research and come up with new theories and ideas. All this newly discovered stuff was presented to us in the Quran in no uncertain terms. Allah (swt) promises us: If you are grateful, Ill give you more. And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe. [Quran, 14:7] This is a ready-made formula for attracting more of what you want in life. It is well-known that prayer, the important pillar of Islam, is incomplete without Surah Fatihah. Surah Fatihah begins with expressing our gratitude to our Lord for the countless blessings He has showered upon us. Have you ever noticed that a lot of duas taught by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also start with the same expression of gratitude— alhamdulillah? The day starts with the supplication Alhmdulillahilazi ahyana... (All praise and thanks be to the one who gave us life.) Allah (swt) wants you to start your day in a super-charged state, attracting ample happiness and abundance in life. The meal ends with the supplication Alhmdulillahizli atamana wa sakana . . .(All praise and thanks be to the one who gave us food and drink). Why? Because He always wants you to have better food every time you eat. The same expression— alhamdulillah; its not a coincidence, is it? Gratitude is one of the quickest ways to regain our focus. When we feel stuck it means were giving too much attention to something that doesnt really deserve it. Most so-called problems are usually mundane preoccupations and mental obsessions. We focus so much on one area to the exclusion of everything else that we create and thus magnify our problems. Surprisingly, when we focus so much on whats not working, we cant even access the part of our brain that provides us with solutions. So, when something is not working, we should focus on what is working and say alhmdulillahi rabbil 3lameen aloud. What do you think youre doing by saying this? Youre freeing your mind from those thoughts that bog you down and reinforcing strong, positive beliefs that even if some areas are not working in life, others definitely are. In this way, youre able to think in a quicker and better way to resolve whats not working in life. Try it out! Its reported that some of the companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) were even grateful for the calamities they faced and presented their gratitude to Allah (swt) for not letting something worse befall them. Now thats the attitude of gratitude! Being grateful to Allah (swt) does wonders. When youll acknowledge His hand in your life, miracles will happen. Youll be in the middle of a problem, not knowing what might happen next, and suddenly the solution will dawn upon you. You might be in dire need of money and someone might, for example, return to you an old loan that you completely forgot about. Or you might be missing your loved ones and they give you a call right then. We usually ignore many things that are readily available to us and need a big reason to be grateful. Our family, friends, body, health, job, leisure time, education, food, wisdom, smiles, children, and even the painful lessons that life teaches us (and the list goes on) are huge blessings to be grateful for. If you dont have the same feeling, just close your eyes and imagine one of these blessings vanishing from your life. How does that feel? This is exactly the reason you need to be thankful each day, every moment.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 07:29:04 +0000

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