As we honor our nations men and women, those of us who have served - TopicsExpress


As we honor our nations men and women, those of us who have served (some living, some long since passed), I ponder the meaning of it all. Through the Storms of Destruction I question wars purpose, its design. This again and again, leads me to a question I wonder do we ever stop to ask: WHY? To my brethren throughout the ages, know I love everyone of you in a way I could never begin to express for your courage, your silent strength, and the sacrifice of your innocence. Im sorry we as a society of people, as a collective and a species, havent yet figured out how to co-exist with one another without sending you to the torture of war. It pains me beyond any reckoning that the only way we seem to honor you, our dead and dying, is to perpetuate our past mistakes. The idea of a military and both its need and purpose sadden me today and all days. To those of us who remain on this chaotic speeding globe of star guts, I challenge us all to a higher purpose. Let us stop building memorials and plaques to honor those who have defended us and begin building understanding and compassion for one another. Let us stop the sacrifice...and the tears. The youth of our today does not need know of such hurt. We have the means and the know-how to lovingly care for every living being on this planet. I know it starts with me, so this is my promise to all of you who never made it home. Spirit bless.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:47:47 +0000

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