As we officially begin a new school year, let us remember why God - TopicsExpress


As we officially begin a new school year, let us remember why God called us to be our childrens parents — and for those of us who homeschool, their teachers too. Let us help our children discover, nurture and use their passions, for His greater glory! :) Heres an article from our founder, Bro. Bo Sanchez, that may inspire us to do so (this was originally published in the June 2013 issue of Home Base, CFAs official e-newsletter)... God bless us all!: What Is Your Child’s Passion? I love to write. When I see my blank computer screen and poise my fingers over the keyboard, I feel absolutely wonderful. Like I’m about to give birth to a child (Not that Ive ever done before). And when words spill over from my imagination, forming sentences and paragraphs and worlds before me — I’m in ecstasy. Writing is my natural drug. It lifts me up. It transports me to another galaxy. Preaching, a close cousin of writing, is my other love. I love preparing for a talk. I love reading a ton of books and culling the best ideas. I love crafting a message. I love choosing the best stories and weaving them together. When I create my talks — and then give them to an audience — I’m in heaven. I don’t get paid to preach every Sunday. But I’ll do it more than anything else in the world. Each Sunday, I preach at The Feast PICC — and this is televised nationwide. Thousands of people come each week because they get blessed and inspired. But I have a secret. They don’t know that Im the one who is more blessed. Why? Because I learn more. I’m able to serve, using the core gifts God has given me. I thank God I found my passion a long time ago, as a 12-year-old kid who was given a break to speak to a prayer group. I really believe that finding your passion and nurturing it is the key to success. Parent, help your child identify his or her passion. And help your child nurture it. Create connections. Create an environment. Find a way to make it into a ministry of service! As a 13-year-old boy, Bene’s passion is worship music. I taught him how to play the guitar when he was seven years old. It didn’t take off because he hadn’t discovered his passion yet. But when he did (last year in a youth camp), he took the guitar again and played every day. He now plays better than I do. I nurtured his passion. He now serves in the music ministry of the youth. He is also being mentored by a master guitarist. He loves what he does. He practices for hours every day. Here’s what will happen: Success in one passion will create inner confidence — and this success will spill over to other areas of his life. He will become happier. He will feel more fulfilled. And he’ll desire to keep growing. Like me, Benes other passion is writing. So I give him writing assignments every week, and his writing skills are getting better and better. I urge you to help your children find their passion. Allow them to make mistakes in discovering it. Sooner or later, they’ll find it. May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 04:35:38 +0000

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