As we pay tribute on this day to all who lost their lives on this - TopicsExpress


As we pay tribute on this day to all who lost their lives on this day, 9 / 11 , I remember it so well watching on tv , in shock and disbelief and a the horrible scene unfolded before our eyes , how could this be happening, but it was a real night mare ,no one could stop our innocence ,was torn apart that day as we sat and watched the greatest country in the world get attacked and brought low to our knees, and we rose up not to be defeated but to come together as one to find and punish those responsible for this horrific act . As long as we remain a God fearing country , our God will champion our cause and Go before us, they thought they won a victory over us. Much to their surprise we are still a resilient nation , under God , we serve a God who wants to give all who come to him life eternal, and they serve a god who`s mantra is death and destruction, our God is Love , but with that being said he will not stand by and see his children , destroyed his judgement is swift and his anger fierce and when his children cry out to him , He he will move heaven and earth to defend them. I thank my God every day that I am still on the winning side. Amen!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 14:54:32 +0000

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