As we progress in removing the unwanted things from our heart, - TopicsExpress


As we progress in removing the unwanted things from our heart, we’ll come to nistha. On that platform we’ll become fixed in our determination to reach our goal . It will become clear to us of what is favorable for our growth and of what is not. If we don’t remove from our life whatever is unfavorable, then our progress will stop, until we gain deeper realizations on why this specific anartha have to be removed, we’ll remain on that level. There is many subtle and gross attachments standing between us and Sri Krishna, one by one we’ve to eliminate them. One of Srila Prabhupada’s disciple, Syamsundara, was still having difficulty to completely stop smoking cigarette, Srila Prabhupada told him; Why do you let such a small thing stand between you and Krishna? This chastising was enough for him to realize his foolishness, and thus was able to give up smoking. Similarly, all of us have many attachments that are preventing our progress. This is why good association is important, it will keep reminding us of our goal and will help us to build enough strength to make this clear decision that from today I’ll not indulge anymore in this way. Bilvamangala Thakur’s life is a good example for us. He realizes that his attachment to beautiful women was preventing him from reaching Sri Krishna. His two eyes were the avenue to his sense gratification, so he pierce them and became blind, saying to himself ; From now on, I’ll not be attracted again to the illusory form of a beautiful woman. Our attachment to Sri Radha- Krishna has to become so strong that we’ll not hesitate anymore to remove the unfavorable things from our life. Only this increase of our attachment to their lotus feet can help us. This, can only be achieve by associating with those devotees possessing this most precious jewel, which is ;”Attachment to Sri Radha-Krishna’s lotus feet”. Srila Prabhupada tells us that to become Krishna’s conscious is a gradual process. He took the essence of all Vedic instructions on how to become free of material attachments and illusion and gave it to us in a very simple formula. ALWAYS CHANTS AND HEARS THE HOLY NAME AVOIDS SINFUL ACTIVITIES ALWAYS KEEPS YOURSELF IN GOOD ASSOCIATION ALWAYS DISCUSS ABOUT SRI KRISHNA’S PASTIMES AND THE CONCLUSION OF THE VEDIC INJUNCTION If we follow this simple formula, we’ll gradually progress. Vaisnavas’s association will infuse us with the proper understanding and a strong enthusiasm. In exceptional case, by Sri Krishna’s mercy we can achieve love for him in a moment. As Srila Prabhupada tells us, to become Krishna’s conscious only takes a second, but to arrive at this level takes many lives of endeavoring to always brings back our attention and concentration on our goal. #vishal_goel
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:35:57 +0000

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