As we ring in the New Year, many of us start the year off with - TopicsExpress


As we ring in the New Year, many of us start the year off with resolutions – from losing weight and exercising to a variety of other things. But do our pets have New Year goals? While your pets are not able to make their own resolutions, there are many things we can do to help get our pets back on track for a healthier New Year and beyond. Get up-to-date on veterinary visits –It’s easy to forget that our pets need to see their veterinarian on an annual basis – twice a year for our older companions. Our animals can be masters at masking illness and it’s a good time to find out how your pet really feels. Catching illnesses and preventing problems early on will keep everyone healthier in the long run. Do a diet assessment – While at the vet for an exam, ask your vet about your pet’s weight to see if he or she needs to gain or lose to be at his or her healthiest. Talk to your vet about good food options and portion sizes that work best for your pet. Do the math – When you feed your pet each day, measure or weigh the portions instead of going by sight or free feeding. This makes it easier to control how much they eat and also to determine if they have a loss of appetite since you’re feeding the same amount each day. Take a bite out of dental problems – It’s hard to tell what is loitering in your pet’s mouth without a good check up. During the appointment, talk to the veterinarian about scheduling a dental cleaning and ask about options for keeping your pet’s mouth cleaner and healthier between cleanings. This could range from brushing their teeth to using other products like enzymatic chews or special diets. Get moving – Our pets needs to get some exercise just like we do. Multiple-pet households tend to be more active during the day than solo pets; however, setting aside a just a few minutes a day to play with your pet keeps them moving and increases the bond you both share. Make sure your pet is spayed or neutered – If your pet hasn’t been altered, it’s a good time to go to the vet before it’s too late. Pets that have been spayed or castrated are less likely to stray, may have a calmer demeanor and be less apt to mark your home with urine. Altering also removes the risk of certain cancers that can shorten your pet’s lifespan. Get on a grooming schedule – There are so many benefits from bathing and grooming your animals on a regular basis which go beyond helping your pet look great. You will cut down on shedding and can improve the coat. Grooming will also give you a chance to look for any changes in your pet’s body – lumps, bumps or injuries that may have developed. You should have your pets nails trimmed on a routine basis. If you can’t do this at home, your veterinarian would happy to do it for you or assist in finding the right products for your pets needs. Update your pet’s identification – Yes, all pets should have proper identification just in case they get loose. Make sure your pet is microchipped and that the information is up-to-date. Pet tags should include your pets name with a last name and, if possible, two or more contact numbers. It would also be beneficial to get good digital photos of your pets in case you need to create a flyer or post online if they are lost. Learn to relax – Take a little time everyday to play, groom or have lap time with your pet. Not only will this improve your bond with your furry family members, but medical studies have shown that relaxing with a pet lowers your blood pressure and improves overall health. If you would like to schedule an exam, dental cleaning, or altering, please call Ocean Animal Clinic at (831) 429-5100. Happy New Year and happy bonding!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 19:38:04 +0000

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