As we so gracefully end this year, take inventory on what this - TopicsExpress


As we so gracefully end this year, take inventory on what this year taught you about yourself and where you want to go in 2015. If you had a tough year, look at why and what you want to be different within yourself. Make peace with whatever happened in 2014 good and bad. Be thankful for all of it because all of lifes ups and downs point us in the direction that we are supposed to go. As you leave this year behind keep in mind that what other people think of you is insignificant. You are here on this earth to be the full expression of who you are not the definition of what others want you to be for them. You are the most lovable when you are being yourself and anyone who cannot love your for who you are needs to be left in 2014. Whatever has hurt you in 2014, trust that time will heal those wounds and by the end of 2015 you will be so much further ahead of where you are now you wont even be able to believe it. All you have to do is put effort into your growth and happiness and you will find it. Time takes care of pain, so dont fight it. Be with it and it will pass. You are the sole creator of your happiness so make great decisions in 2015 from the learning you received in 2014. Commit to loving yourself and not giving up on any dreams you may have. Just do you. Comparing ourselves to others is pointless because we are only here to be who we are. If we envy something about someone, learn from them and take those traits on in yourself. There is enough for all of us.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 12:00:02 +0000

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