As we stop to take a look around us and reflect on the many things - TopicsExpress


As we stop to take a look around us and reflect on the many things that are happening in the world we cant help but pause, ponder and pray. The greater concern is do we have the right perspective in our prayers and our reflections. You see what is happening in Ferguson, Missouri is tragic, its sad and down right egregious but so is the violence that we see everyday in this country. Violence is a Spirit and we cant expect it to behave or act decently or in order in the hands or through the eyes of other races. I value the life of every individual and so should we all. My concern is where is the cry and organizing and marching when we are witnessing black on black crimes, drive by shootings, unsolved murders all in the name of not snitching on someone. I promise you the number of black bodies in the morgue or the medical examiner office are there in greater numbers not because of an officers bullet but because we didnt value each other lives so we took it. Never considering the burden and the pain that their families will suffer as a result of our sheer ignorance and lack of value for one another. No mother or father wants to have to identify the body of their child. On one account we cry for justice and accountability when a white person, officer, citizen commits such atrocious acts against us but on the other account we dont demand justice when we continue to do it to each other. Until we value our own lives we will have a hard time convincing others that they should value us. I know what I am saying isnt popular but we as a people must begin to take responsibility for our lives and place a value on our lives that transcends bling and things. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical...You not only refuse to shoot a man but you refuse to hate him. We can never expect someone to do for us what we refuse to do for ourselves. Yes lets pray but we have to have a meeting with ourselves and demand better from one another. The value of our lives shouldnt decrease when we commit violence against one another and increase when someone of another race does the same. We must demand more from ourselves as fathers and men as Faith and Community Leaders as Neighbors and Friends. This is a Call to Action for the Village Keepers and the Brothers Keepers. Its time that we return to a place of prayer and respect. Lets Live and Preserve a Viable Future for the Next Generation!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 02:30:16 +0000

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