As we travel though life, we find ourselves in one of the two - TopicsExpress


As we travel though life, we find ourselves in one of the two situations. Either something good is happening in our lives, in which case as a Muslim our role is to thank Allah swt for the blessings (i.e. be a shakir), or something bad or something we dislike is happening to us, and as a Muslim our role then is to be patient (i.e. be a sabir). This is the formula for a happy life and contented life cruising towards, and seeking the pleasure of Allah swt and it is a win-win situation for a believer. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Strange is the affair of the Momin (the believer). Verily, all his affairs are good for him, if something pleasing befalls him he thanks Allah and it becomes better for him. And if something harmful befalls him he is patient (sabir) and it becomes still better for him. Ibn al-Qayim (ra) said, "If this world was not a station of tests it would not be filled with sicknesses, calamities, accidents and miseries. If life is not about hardship, then the prophets and the pious would have lived the most comfortable of lives. Take the example of Adam (pbuh) who suffered test after test until he left this world. Nuh (pbuh) cried for many years. Ibrahim (pbuh) was thrown into a pit of fire and later told to slaughter his son. Yaqoob (pbuh) cried until he became blind. Musa (pbuh) was challenged by Fir’aun and was also tested by his own people. Esa (pbuh) had no provision except the morsels his disciples provided him with. And our beloved Prophet (pbuh) had to face poverty, insults, attacks and tests for 23 years... and the list of prophets and the pious people’s sufferings go on and on." Brothers and Sisters in Islam: therefore, whatever happens to us happens by the will of Allah swt. It is an article of our Eeman that we believe in ‘Qada’ and ‘Qadr’ (i.e. Devine Decree) and that we are pleased with Allah’s decision. Good or seemingly bad, it is all the test of this world. How can we imagine that we shall not be tested when those who were far better than us, the Prophets and the righteous companions, suffered far greater hardship? We must never forget that they had patience and perseverance. They put their trust in Allah swt, worked hard and never gave up hope. This is how they earned the ridwan, the good pleasure of Allah swt. This is the ultimate test of a successful life. Bro zil ali
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 21:43:55 +0000

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