As we undergo this transformation with the boundless energy of - TopicsExpress


As we undergo this transformation with the boundless energy of this Golden Age wave (the gateway to our fullest remembering of who we are and all that implies), I would suggest that there are 2 key things to remember that will keep you from losing your footing: 1. Whenever you feel fear or old painful patterns come up, just remember they are residual impulses from the old, deviant influences of the previous Dark Age which, for an epoch, infiltrated the true sacred patterns of human design of our Creator. These impulses are part and parcel of the morphogenic field we swim in. In the moment of recognition of this cosmic derailing, you can instantly dissolve those undermining influences. Its game over when you realize this and the power you have to rectify your perception! Replace those old inclinations toward fear and pain with the simplicity that Only love is real.“ The delusional fear based thought-forms have no power in the light of that clarity. Heres the second pointer: 2. There can be no judgment of others if we understand how we have all suffered as recipients of these widespread delusions and just identify and dissolve them. When people are in stages of productive shedding, it is unfair and unproductive to shine a flashlight on them. Let people make their way – the burden of these impulses has been intense; cut ‘em some slack! One can look quite clumsy when dislodging oneself from a massive spider-web (a perfect analogy for us humans caught in the matrix of multi-layered programs that have been spun in and around us, while we unwittingly accepted them). It’s about as easy for us to dislodge as it is for a fly in a spider’s web to free itself. Judgment, with its implicit unloving frequency, will undermine the progress of anyone on the ascension path. Remember that the most evolved people are the least judgmental. We can only help one another when we allow one another space to be as clumsy about freeing oneself as needed. Lend a hand, not a judgment. Truly, we are more alike than we are different and in effect, whether we realize it or not, we are all working toward liberation and lightness (even if it appears otherwise in cases). We have all had a doosy of a set of programs conditionings and other deviant impulses reinforcing that matrix of thought forms. You might not have thought of it as such, but having to live up to and cooperate with those programs and conditions is not just painful; I would call it the ultimate burden. But now that it seems those impulses have seen their end time and we are free to reconnect with our true nature again, we have to remember that it’s not always a smooth process. Let’s just cut each other a whole lot of slack. If we can see beyond the separateness we have been so conditioned to view one another through, we will see that holding the space for others to find their way and bringing only understanding will bring about a truly authentic self-retrieval process which will lead to our success -- our consistent elevation/expansion in consciousness. The veil has been rent now. We solved the riddle. All is love; we simply believed the illusions of anything other than love were real and suffered for it. Game over. Now, we can truly give ourselves over to love as a way of life, love as the currency of the cosmos, love as the reason to get up in the morning and the spark that lights our creative pursuits. We are free; judgment and freedom cannot co-exist in the same level of consciousness. Freedom is expansion; judgment is contraction. I hope those two pointers help. I’m on this ride myself, just like you and thus sharing what I’m finding keeps the road nice and clear for reconnection. Remember the 100th monkey effect – all we need is to reach critical mass and the tide will shift in the favor of our ascension -- where we belong. It’s happening – now we simply need to know how to avoid any pitfalls so we can stay with it, ascend and evolve with it! All love, Natalia
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:54:03 +0000

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