As we walk towards the Elvenkings tent beautiful, yet - TopicsExpress


As we walk towards the Elvenkings tent beautiful, yet heartbreakingly sad music fills the air. Ravenor, what is this strange tune your kin are singing? A Lament. He opens the tent flap for me. I feel very sad for no discernible reason. Why are they singing a lament? But Ravenor does not reply. He ushers me into the magnificent tent of Riventhor, eldest son of Thranduil, Elvenking of the Shining Wood. My eyes are dazzled by the splendour of the Kings crystal throne. It is finely carved with leafs, berries and all things wonderful. Then I realize that it has in fact been hewn from one huge crystal, which shimmers and shines in all the colours of the rainbow. Powerful Elven warriors stand on both sides of the throne. Their forms are magnificent beyond description, but when my gaze takes in King Riventhors face, I fall to my knees. Bowing low to the ground, I want to speak, to thank him for my rescue. But my voice fails me. Arise, my child., his voice sounds like the warm summer wind which flows across the ocean. Take courage for this is a time to heal and to rest. Shakily I rise to my feet. King Riventhor, I w-want to thank you. You saved my life. I am forever in your debt. I believe it was my son who saved you. Not by design. Ravenor stands at my side. We were following the trail of the Brundock. Then I saw her lie on the ground like a dazed fish. A fish?! I cannot help but glare at Ravenor. The Elvenking leaves his throne and walks towards us. His splendour is so great, I find it hard to even glance at him. His eyes shine and burn like crystal refractions. Long, silvery hair falls over his shoulders, and his head is circled with a crown of sparkling emeralds and carved white gold. Fell times are upon us, Ravenor. The Brundock was merely the first calamity Sauron has unleashed on Dol Amroth. The King studies my face intently. I desperately want to turn away, but his forceful gaze holds me in its sway. I feel the heat in my cheeks, he can see the very depths of my soul, of this I am certain. I feel insignificant before such splendour, yet there are also tendrils of hope which unfurl within me. You are my kin, fair Lady of Dol Amroth. The Elvenking returns to his throne. It was no coincidence that the Brundock headed for your home. I fear that Sauron might have found out the secret. Secret? I feel as if I am mired in the dream world. Everything is so unreal, both splendid and frightful. Your Mother, the Lady Mariel, was my Queens sister. At your birth foresight told me that you would bring salvation to Dol Amroth. But I also knew that Sauron would try to extinguish this light of Dol Amroth. I gave you into your Fathers care, and we took council. It was agreed that he would raise you quietly as a blacksmiths daughter until such a time as Dol Amroths need became apparent. But we fear now that Sauron has found out about this secret and tried to kill you with his Brundock., Lord Berin speaks gravely. I had not even noticed his presence. But I have noticed a single word in Riventhors speech. Was? My throat feels incredibly parched. Why do you speak as if my Mother has passed out of this world? Suddenly I feel Ravenors hand on my shoulder. But instead of warmth, his touch infuses me with an icy chill.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 08:09:13 +0000

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