As we were coming back from the okanagon...I experienced something - TopicsExpress


As we were coming back from the okanagon...I experienced something very very sad. We came upon an accident on the hwy, we arrived maybe within 30 seconds or so after it happened, there were ppl running to check to see if anybody was in the travel trailer vehicle. There were two ppl. the man had a very badly torn up arm and shoulder...the woman had bumps on her head. There were other injuries, but this what we were able to tend to at that moment. I was helping the man, wrapping his arm in knapkins, to stop the bleeding. He couldnt feel the injury, he kept talking and wanted to phone his son. A bystander brought towels from her car and we wrapped the man and woman up, the woman started to go into shock, she was starting to shiver and loose control. Thank goodness there were about 10 or so ppl looking over them. Everybody was doing something to help..may the great spirit look over this couple and help them heal. So sad..
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:06:28 +0000

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