As with the peasants of France who protested against their - TopicsExpress


As with the peasants of France who protested against their oppressors, ergo the disenfranchied of Ferguson. Its historic, a riot is the unheard voice of the oppressed. Nobles Give Up Their Privileges A report of the peasant outbreaks made a strong impression on the Assembly. Some liberal nobles in that body set the example of giving up their feudal rights. Amid the wildest enthusiasm, men weeping and embracing each other, one noble after another gave up some exclusive privilege. Finally a decree was passed which aimed at abolishing the entire feudal system. That wild night of Aug. 4, 1789, marked the beginning of equality. Remnants of feudal dues, however, kept the peasants uneasy until 1793. Meanwhile work continued on the constitution which the Assembly had promised to prepare for France. It was finally finished in 1791. Nobility was abolished. France was made a limited monarchy, with a one-house legislature. The immortal part of the document was the Declaration of the Rights of Man. It included the following points: 1. All men were born free with equal rights. 2. All citizens have the right to take part in electing representatives to make the laws. 3. Every person shall be free to speak, write, or print his opinions provided he does not abuse this privilege. 4. The amount of taxes which a person is called upon to pay shall be based on the amount of wealth that he possesses. The Declaration of the Rights of Man came to be regarded as the charter of democracy. The equality of all men in the eyes of the law is its essence. Property was inviolable, for the chief supporters of the new order owned property or desired to own it.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 23:52:30 +0000

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