As you all may have heard, there was a mass shooting in California - TopicsExpress


As you all may have heard, there was a mass shooting in California that took the lives of 7 people (including the shooter) and injured nearly a dozen more. You may be asking, Why is this on our page? Havent we heard enough about this? It has just been revealed that the shooter, Elliot Rodger, had Aspergers Syndrome. So, in light of all the bad press and hateful comments that have spawned from this tragic event, we figured it was time to step in. Rodgers Aspergers did not cause this, nor was it relevant in any way, shape, or form. Usually, when someone commits a heinous crime such as the one in question, its because of a lack of connection with others or trauma of some kind that is NOT related to Aspergers. We are not condoning this senseless act of violence. In fact, we are saddened and disgusted that such deplorable acts are still common in todays world. However, instead of wasting time, energy, and resources on blaming Aspergers, we know that the best thing to do now is teach. Its even more important now, in light of this unspeakable tragedy, that we empower, enliven, and educate not just those with Aspergers, but every human being on the planet. Law enforcement officials and other prominent members of our society drive themselves crazy attempting to find an external solution, a law, a bill, SOMETHING that will prevent this. What they dont realize is that the solution is not external. Its internal, and it always has been. Elliot Rodger was very, very sad. We did not know him, but we can pretty much guarantee that he was sad, broken, and desperate. Human connection is essential to our physical and mental health, and anyone deprived of that has the potential to be very dangerous. Notice how the word Aspergers was nowhere in that sentence. Thats because it is NOT RELEVANT. Everyone feels sad. Everyone feels pain. It was Rodgers decision in that instant and his response to his own agony that took those lives, not his Aspergers. So what is the solution? There are several. LOVE. UNDERSTANDING. FORGIVENESS. Eliot Rodger may have been loved by his parents, he may have had an amazing support system, but if he was unaware of that and didnt feel it, then it doesnt matter. SHOW someone how much you love them. Nurture, love, and understand them and all that they are. This just further emphasizes the importance of caring for others and loving them BECAUSE of their differences. Not in spite of them.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 02:17:58 +0000

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