As you all start waking up and going about your day......or going - TopicsExpress


As you all start waking up and going about your day......or going to church. Just stop for a minute any think.... Think about this; whole some of you may work the normal job 8-4 M-F. There are some of us who work the abnormal job.....other wise known as shift work. Im not talking about like fast food shifts or what not, but talking about the Men and Women in the world of first response. The Police Officers, Firefighters, EMTs/MEDICS. It sometimes may not seem like it. But these men and women literally put their life on deaths door step, just to make sure you are safe. As crazy as it sounds. I know a couple EMS workers who have had a gun pulled on them during a call! Also this morning, add VOLUNTEER Fighters to that list. These men and women answer the fries for help during all hours of the night, at the most odd hours of the day (like standing in the middle of a shower) and often times, miss out on their kids piano recital or birthday party to save a life. As all of them never think, but the next time those tones bust, and they leap into action, that call could be their final call....but thats not what is running through their heads.....what is, is that they are going to perform their very best to save that particular life and not worry about what could happen. (At least thats how I am.) So remember, this morning at the start of the day....some Of these Men and women may be getting up for work, and kissing their loved ones good bye with the thought in their could be the last. I guess the point Im trying to make is, never take life or anything for granted, because before you know it, it could end just like that...
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 13:52:08 +0000

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