As you are no doubt aware, on Wednesday HHS Secretary Kathleen - TopicsExpress


As you are no doubt aware, on Wednesday HHS Secretary Kathleen ‘hold me accountable for this debacle’ Sebelius actually testified under oath in front of Congress. This was all about the incompetent roll out of the ObamaCare online exchange and all the failures that now are plaguing the system. To give her the little credit that is due, she did at one point say that the American people (or at least Congress) should her her accountable for this debacle (her word, not mine). Of course, the thought now is that she said this to try and give credence to her claim that Obama did not know anything about how poorly the exchanges would work before the launch. Sebelius also testified that they did not have any ‘reliable’ ObamaCare enrollment statistics. We now know that this is another of her lies. In fact, CBS News has a very interesting report that sheds a lot of light on some key ObamaCare numbers and statistics. While this has been the general lie or excuse or dodge that members of the Obama Regime have been parroting for the last month, CBS News now reports that there were twice daily ‘war room’ type of meetings held by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) since October 1st. CBS discovered this fact from some documents, including actual notes about the website performance during the last month. The day after the site launched, the government was publicly claiming that they had 4.7 million unique visitors. Yet the war room meeting notes state that only 6 enrollments had occurred during that period. Therefore, it is an outright lie for Sebelius to claim that enrollment figures do not exist. Of course, I suppose how ‘reliable’ they are might be open to debate. At least it is probably enough of an ambiguous statement to keep old Kathy away from perjury charges. Of course, HHS continues to say that they will have these opening numbers by mid-November. We will see. The situation is very clear. The Obama Regime does have access to enrollment number. They might not be as comprehensive as they would like, but if they really wanted to, it seems obvious that they could offer a relatively close estimate of enrollments. Then again, why would they release information that can be potentially embarrassing? This is why we have not seen any hard numbers coming out of the Obama Regime. This is also most likely why CNN reports that the White House is exerting “massive pressure” on insurance companies to keep quiet about real numbers. Not to mention the fact that press chief Jay Carney is now engaged in an organized campaign to try and lower expectations. He has said the official announcement in mid-November will be “low.” Gee, that’s a big surprise, Jay! Carney also claims that this was always the case. Once again, it appears that everyone associated with Obama or the White House is simply incapable of telling the truth. I wonder if this something Obama looked for specifically when hiring his staff, or if he trains them all in how to do this? Anyway, it is also no secret that the Obama Regime had a goal of nearly 500,000 people joining in October. Of course, Sebelius also claimed that she had no idea about how disastrous the roll out would actually be. Once again, this is highly unlikely. She already has told us that the exchange failed its only reported major test shortly before October. Plus, they never eve did a full end-to-end test, so it is safe to assume that she understood there were going to be major problems. So, what do YOU think? Is Sebelius lying to us about what she knows regarding ObamaCare? Is she simply trying to protect Obama? What do you think the actual ObamaCare enrollment numbers will reveal?
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 18:48:47 +0000

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