As you can see, the New World Order did not start with Barack - TopicsExpress


As you can see, the New World Order did not start with Barack Obama, he is merely the latest poster boy for the project. Many other presidents have done a lot of the legwork as well, but there was one president who let the cat out of the bag, and introduced our modern times to the term. Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, members of the Congress, distinguished guests, fellow Americans, thank very much for that warm welcome. We gather tonight, witness to events in the Persian Gulf as significant as they are tragic. In the early morning hours of August 2, following negotiations and promises by Iraqs dictator Saddam Hussein not to use force, a powerful Iraqi Army invaded its trusting and much weaker neighbor, Kuwait. Within three days, 120,000 Iraqi troops with 850 tanks had poured into Kuwait and moved south to threaten Saudi Arabia. It was then that I decided to act to check that aggression. A new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective--a new world order--can emerge: A new era--freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in harmony. Establish a common security perimeter by 2010. The governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States should articulate as their long-term goal a common security perimeter for North America. Develop a North American Border Pass. The three countries should develop a secure North American Border Passwith biometric identifiers. This document would allow its bearers expedited passage through customs, immigration, and airport security throughout the region. These quotes, taken from an offical document obtained from the CFR website, outlines their plan to begin to dissolve the borders between America, Canada and Mexico, slowly at first, until what exists is a complete, new nation known as the North American Union.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 21:04:11 +0000

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