As you can tell by now, we are doing things a bit different, - TopicsExpress


As you can tell by now, we are doing things a bit different, shaking things up so to say. Its time to get your attention, because what we were doing wasnt working, and repeating it looking for different results is the classical definition of insane. If I could take a moment and ask you to sign the petition for student safety and buses, let me do that first, that is after all the purpose: Monday at 2:00pm is the Lake County Schools Workshop, and where the scope of the busing policy is going to get hashed out (what options are they going to eventually consider). No decisions will be made on the policy, but it will be the most important meeting of the year. Call in sick and go! We have lost the ability to get your attention, so in an effort to re-energize, I will try to make you laugh, scream, and to think! The purpose is to keep your attention (over here! over here!) we are at the most important part of the buses movement, and everyone is dozing off! This is the thinking part. Noam Chomsky is the author of over 100 books, and the most cited living author, and third of all time, behind Plato and Freud. He is perhaps the most intelligent person in the 20th century. He is has influenced more areas of science and education than any person alive, and is known as the foundation to linguistics, computer science, while influencing everything from anthropology to military science. Here is a video that school teachers, administrators, and board members should watch as required material, but one in which educational activists (as many of us are labeled) would be well to do as well. There are probably a handful of misinformed people out there that will label him as liberal of democrat, I assure you that the democrats would likely object. Self-proclaimed Anarchist, you will find his political views do not fit within the American Political spectrum at all, and he has followers from the spectrum of Libertarians to Socialists. The simple fact is, he is very smart, and if you read his material, you would have a hard time disagreeing. Critic of the media, government, and military, they all ask him to advise them on ideas. He is a regular presenter at West Point, and would be on the nightly news except it is not possible for him to contain any idea to a 4 minute sound bite. The one thing he claims to have never done is watch a single video or documentary about himself, likely because there is little chance they are completely correct, but more so because the status people give him as being an intellectual to follow is perhaps the greatest thing he is opposed to... I stop my jabber jabber....enjoy.... And love it or hate it, the purpose is to help you think about it....
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 10:30:06 +0000

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