As you celebrate Labor Day, please keep in mind the wait staff - TopicsExpress


As you celebrate Labor Day, please keep in mind the wait staff where you eat, the life guards where you swim, and the clerks where you shop. These minimum wage jobs still have many Americans living below the poverty level, and even those with decent jobs have to work these as second jobs to pay for the student loans that got them their education. Not everyone gets weekends off, vacations or national holidays free from working, but those who have to keep on punching the clock are not any less worthy of your consideration while you enjoy your leisure time. In fact they are more deserving because while many may think people who work these jobs are lazy, weak minded, or beneath them, they are the ones trying to stay off public assistance, provide for children and families, and just want to go home and rest and enjoy their weekend much as you might be, but cant because of the poor state of labor & workforce laws and education in our country. This makes serving a greedy public that much more difficult. So while you enjoy your meals out, and find deals during labor day super sales, remember that there are still those whose only reprise from working comes in the few hours of sleep a night they get, and be grateful for your time off and supportive of those who dont have three day weekends or public holidays
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 13:45:20 +0000

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