As you know, Im not one to write much on FB but we wanted to give - TopicsExpress


As you know, Im not one to write much on FB but we wanted to give an update on our dear sweet friend, Preston. Kenneth and I have just returned home from Erlanger and are encouraged with every bit of good news that we receive. He is still critical, but somewhat stable. His vitals are perfect. He has responded to some commands to swallow, move his feet, etc. the swelling in his head is decreasing, and he is breathing on his own. They inserted two tubes today. One was to remove an air pocket between his lungs and chest wall. The other is used to send medication to his broken ribs. His ribs will absorb the meds and relieve the excruciating pain when he tries to breathe. This is already working as he is breathing without the assistance of the ventilator as of about an hour ago. They are leaving him on the ventilator as a back-up in case he needs it. I know prayers are answered, and June, Harrison, David and all his family appreciates those who have called and who are sending prayers on his behalf. Visits are somewhat hard right now because they are back and forth between ICU, the waiting room and the Ronald McDonald rooms. I know they would want to see you, but it might be easier to wait a few days and see if he is able to be moved into a room. Please keep praying and pass on our encouraging news. I will try to post updates every few days. I felt this would be faster than trying to remember who all we were supposed to call. Thanks to all for your love and concern.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:20:11 +0000

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