As you know, NER is a volunteer organization, and in order to make - TopicsExpress


As you know, NER is a volunteer organization, and in order to make it all happen, we need your help. In particular, we need: 1. Were looking for alternative control locations for the overnight on the 600k; wed like to find something cheaper and more flexible than a motel, if possible. Other groups use spaces like high school gymnasiums, large private homes or inns, etc. Doesnt have to be the Grand Hyatt, but it needs indoor showers. If you have any connections to possible facilities or want to help in the search, contact Jake with your suggestions. 2. NERs website is built around Wordpress, so it can easily have multiple editors. If there are pages or features youd like to see, or if you have some time to spare helping to develop features other folks have asked about, your help would be appreciated. Contact Webmaster Jake for more details. 3. A new equipment manager. As per the new bylaws, this does not have to be a board member. NER has a fair amount of equipment such as pop-up tents, tables, chairs, large water bottles, bins full of paper plates and towels, etc - all the stuff youve seen at supported controls. The Equipment Manager keeps track of that stuff, makes sure its clean and organized before every ride, in good working order and purchases replacements when needed, and coordinates with ride leaders so they can get it to ride volunteers and control locations. We are also looking for a good storage location for those supplies. This could be someones shed or a corner of a garage. It should preferably be reasonably convenient to Hanscom so that ride leaders can easily pick it up and drop it off. It is easiest for everyone if the person providing the storage space can also be the equipment manager, but its not necessary. For what its worth, NER is now officially a nonprofit, so donating the use of a few square feet can be a tax deduction. 4. Ride volunteers! As always, in order to provide the level of support our rides are known for, we need volunteers. Day-of-event volunteers get free NER membership for the following year, and possibly free season passes the following year as well, depending on how the numbers and finances shake out. Its a fun way to give back to your club, or to involve spouses and friends, or to introduce someone to randonneuring who isnt quite ready to try it out themselves yet. Remember, you can still do the ride for credit if you volunteer the day of the event! Day-of volunteers can pre-ride the route for RUSA or ACP credit up to two weeks in advance. Im still the volunteer coordinator, so you can get in touch with me if you are interested in volunteering on the day of an event.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 21:46:30 +0000

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