As you know, all of your communications are monitored and - TopicsExpress


As you know, all of your communications are monitored and controlled. The same is now true for your movements. Any travel beyond a ten mile radius of your registered address will require pre-approval by TSA, the Transportation Security Agency. All Americans and residents are receiving tracking devices, which will be implanted on your persons in the form of under-the-skin microchips. These chips will be monitored by the Internal Revenue Service, utilizing the information stored and gathered through the NSA, Affordable Care Act and other means. Any activities associated with privileges, such as driving or working, will be verified and authorized through the chip. Food purchases, rental payments, utility payments and all other transactions relating to your personal lives will also be controlled and monitored through the micro-chip. Those of you who comply with the government mandated changes will be permitted to live in relative comfort. I can assure those of you who are disruptive that you will not have an easy time of it. Do not make the mistake of thinking that we are not serious or that we can be defeated through a simple uprising. The events of today are the result of decades of hard work and tireless planning. Our time is now. Our dominion over the world is inevitable. This is your new reality. If you wish to live, you have no choice but to accept it. You would be wise to dismiss any feelings of resentment you may have towards me or my government. In your open society you had multiple opportunities on a daily basis to take action to prevent what has happened. You chose leisure activities or greed-driven work schedules as the focus of attention rather than the actual danger that was starting you in the face. Even when you recognized the danger you did nothing. At virtually every turn you waited for someone else to take action. Well, today, America, someone else did take action. That someone else was me.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:19:12 +0000

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