As you know my Dad passed and transitioned into another dimension - TopicsExpress


As you know my Dad passed and transitioned into another dimension a few weeks ago. (in English, that means he died) The last time I talked to him, a few hours before he passed, he laughed and said he was going to croak! We both laughed. He had never read or listened to any of the Abraham/Hicks material, but it is funny that Abraham always referred to dying as Croaking. Dad was at peace at his passing and so was I. I was not sad, I was happy for HIM. I was not depressed, I was thankful for a marvelous life we shared. Thank you all for the unbelievable amount of the cards and letters I am getting. Thank you for you love and support. I cannot respond to you when you send mail, as I simply am getting too many letters/cards, and do not have the time! I love reading your letters. Most of you tell me your amazing success stories and how wonderful your lives are now and becoming, because of the Success Mastery Course training, GIN, Your Wish is Your Command, my books etc. Many of you ask lots of questions too! If you have read all the posts here, almost all your questions have already been answered. The rest are all answered in the books or the Success Mastery Course. Many of you fear I am grieving. I am not. I know that when one leaves his body he becomes totally free and more powerful than you could ever imagine, experiencing bliss and peace that surpasses all human understanding or comprehension. I love my Dad and it was simply his time. We all will have our time. I am celebrating his wonderful life as he would want me to do. He always wanted me to follow my dreams and simply be true to myself, as he instinctively knew that would put me in alignment with who I really am, and be totally joyful. I am thankful that he was my father. I was very lucky and blessed to have him as my Dad. I am happy as I joyfully recall our times together and all the wisdom I learned from him. Many of the lessons he taught me was by simply living his life for me to witness. Now as I think back, I am seeing his true wisdom in a much clearer light, and at a very deep level, learning the lessons NOW he consciously and subconsciously was teaching me his whole life. I am so appreciative for my Dad and for everything in my life. I am more joyful now than ever. His passing, as was his life, is a gift. Thank you all again for all your love and kindness and for reaching out to me in such a magnificent manner. Many of you ask so many questions about me, my daily life, how I am coping etc. Many of these questions have been answered in these posts. I encourage you to go back and read all the messages that have been left on this page. They are filled with lessons in real time that will help YOU. Maybe even print all the messages into a kind of book for yourself that you can refer to easily, and print each new message and add it in! Now remember, I will be posting some very powerful messages here from now to the end of the year. I should be posting 2 each week and maybe even 3. Check back here often and read and reread the posts… And if you have any questions you can mail them to me, or leave them here. Either they will be answered in a future post, or someone will answer them for you! In the words of my dear departed friend Charlie Tremendous Jones, Life IS Tremendous!!! Much love!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:10:13 +0000

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