As you know that recently our hon’ble supreme court has given it - TopicsExpress


As you know that recently our hon’ble supreme court has given it decision in favour of SBI Officers federation (Chennai circle) for their fundamental right of demonstration. To sort out solution of Federation (Chennai Circle)’s issues for the welfare of officer, it given for one day strike call on 16.09.2013. In view of the ensuing agitation, the management has assured to resolve all issues in CNC meeting held on 03.09.2013 & 04.09.2013 positively. Therefore, the Association has decided to withdraw the Circle level strike call on 16.09.2013.The settled issues are as under:- 1. Stifling Trade Union Activities: Management has assured that permission to hold Unit meetings. 2. Violation of Transfer Policy norms: Management assured that transfers shall be done as per Transfer policy norms barring the cases where exigency of service is required. 3. Victimisation of Officers: Individual cases will be looked into. 4. Harassment of Officers: Individual cases were discussed with the CDO 5. Pressurising Officers to carry out verbal instructions: Bank’s instructions will be followed. 6. Relieving of Officers under IMT: All the Officers under IMT have been relieved and a few whohave been relieved are yet to report at the transferee Module. 7. Posting of Assistant Managers(S) under IMT (RMROs & CROs): Management explained that the NPA position of the Bank is very critical and RMROs are engaged in the follow upexercise andrelieving them at this juncture will affect the performance of the Circle. They have agreed torelease the posting and relieve them subsequently at a later date. 8.Payment of Personal Allowance: Personal Allowance has already been sanctioned at LHO to Officers, and to many at Modules and it will be paid to all eligible Officers on application, basedon the clarifications received from the Corporate Centre. 9. Maintenance of Staff Quarters at SAF Games Village: Sanction for repairing and maintenance of Quarters shall be accorded to those who apply for the same. 10. Adequate Compensation for working on Holidays: Management assured to consider the demand. 11. Transfers throughout the year: During the next annual transfer exercise, management will tryto ensure that all the transfers are completed before June. The matter will be pursued at theCorporate Centre also. 12. Holding of periodical bipartite meetings like CNC etc.: Assured to conduct the Bipartite meetings periodically at regular intervals. The next CNC meeting is scheduled to be held on 20/11/2013 and the Regional Negotiation Council meetings at Modules will be completed at quarterly intervals. 13. Posting of one more Officer to Single Officer Branches: A proposal for converting the RMROsas generalists is under the consideration of the Management. JMG Promotions will be completed shortly. This will ease the shortage of officers. 14. Standardisation of Medical Expenses: A recommendation for revision of charges has been sent to Corporate Centre for approval. 15. Training for Field Officers: Training for 357 RMROs has been completed and the remaining shallbe trained in batches soon. The Managements is keen on training all officials. 16. Procedure for hospitalization to be simplified: Necessary instructions to the tie up hospitals have been given for treatment in case of emergency treatment. 17. Probationary Officers and Trainee Officers – adhering to training schedule: Normally, the training schedule is adhered to. However, depending on certain special occasions their services areutilized temporarily for NPA recovery, marketing etc. 18. Sanction of fitment: Fitment for Scale III and above received from Modules are completed andin case of Scales I & II Modules have been advised to complete it within a fortnight. 19. Enhancement of Rental Advance at Dharmapuri, Gudalur, Tirupur, Nagercoil, Madurai, Tiruchirapalli and Karur: Management will consider the issue when recommendations are received from Modules. 20. Security: Recruitment of Security guards is under process. However, getting adequate number ofapplications is a problem. The present recruitment which will be completed before 31.10.2013 willease the problem. 21. CBS related problems: Problems relating to VVR checking have been taken up by LHO ITSSdepartment with Corporate Centre.The management has expressed its concern about the mounting NPA especially, in Agri segment and requested our support in this regard. We extend our support and solidity to SBI Officers federation for this cause and congratulate on successful one day dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi. SBOP OFFICERS MITRA MANDAL
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 16:30:44 +0000

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