As you know, there has been a profound solemnity prevailing in my - TopicsExpress


As you know, there has been a profound solemnity prevailing in my home this past week. However that solemnity is giving way to a celebration that I am happily beginning to enjoy again. I’m not sure that I’m going to be able to adequately explain why……..but I’m going to give it a try anyway. :-) Although recently it’s been tough facing the reality that Marcella….‘Pook’….passed away 5 years ago this July 31st, it’s only been tough because I’ve been fixated on the aspect of her passing, instead of reveling in how much we lived and Loved together the previous 29 years. Yes she’s ‘gone’ in the physical sense, but she lives on in my heart, in the hearts (and faces) of our amazing progeny Quint & Cait, and in the hearts of the vast multitude of friends and family who knew her. I don’t need to glorify her or hyperbolize about who she was (even though I could bloviate ad nauseam :-) ), however I will say this: the instant anyone met her they indentified with her beautiful face, brilliant mind, impish personality, loving heart, and extraordinary spirit……..which continues to live on as a thriving life force, refusing to go gentle into that good night. What she brought to my life in particular is quite literally beyond words. You’ve heard of people having a ‘near death’ experience before they really began to live? Well for me, the 27 years prior to meeting her I was living a ‘near life’ existence………...I didn’t begin to really Live until I met her. The Love we shared was unequalled by the greatest romances of all time: Antony & Cleopatra…...Romeo & Juliette…...Westley & Buttercup........... ………………….even Gomez & Morticia! :-) It was the Love we shared and her extraordinary character that has helped bring me to the person I am today. At some future point in time, should a passive chance encounter bring another woman into my life, that woman will meet a better man than the one that Marcella met. Better because of having been Loved by her……….and that Love lives on today. To the few who are unable to comprehend that, I feel a sadness for you, for you haven’t really experienced a Love of this magnitude…...of such all encompassing timeless devotion & passion that even death itself cannot bring it to an end. So before I get carried away…… :-D …...tonight I am rejoicing in having known TRUE Love, and looking around to appreciate and enjoy the many wonderful love affairs I see so many of my friends being blessed with. May we all know Love and feel its comfort!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 02:10:33 +0000

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